
Classic Car Insurance + CARnection

Indianapolis, Indiana is home to a great many automobile lovers. Known as the Crossroads of America, the city rumbles at the heart of four Interstate highways and six U.S. highways. It’s where the Indianapolis Motor Speedway hosts the most attended single-day sporting event in the world, the Indianapolis 500…

but… Indianapolis is also home to Classic Automobile Insurance Agency, a family business built on a love of classic cars that drives truly inspired service for collector and classic car enthusiasts. And that’s why we have Jim Kruse the Vice President of Classic Auto Insurance on this episode to talk about protecting your pride & joy! 

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Jim Kruse - Vice President for Classic Auto Insurance

Over the last two decades, Jim traveled the world to be with cars and collectors at events like the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance and the Paris Retromobile. When you're around collectors as often as Jim, you get asked a lot of questions.  "Where should I sell my car?"  "My kids aren't interested in the cars, what should I do?"

Contact: Jim Kruse at | N/A | Visit Online!

             Pit Stop Minisode Available  




Learn More

The truth of the matter is, everyone should be using Classic and Collector Car insurance instead of their generic carriers. Classic Auto Insurance offers specialized classic car insurance coverage you just won’t find anywhere else. Their goal is to offer clients a tailored insurance policy that is as unique as the collection in their possession; coverage which will help them protect and pass on the legacy they have worked so hard to build.

To learn more about Classic Auto Insurance or get a quote online, be sure to logon to or follow them on social @ClassicAutoIns on twitter, @ClassicAutoInsurance on Facebook , @classicins on Instagram as well as on LinkedIn, Pinterest and don’t forget about their Youtube channel!

Using CARnection Advisors to plan for the future of your Vehicles

Carnection Advisor founder Jim Kruse was raised in a family that restored some of the rarest cars in the world.  A past board member of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, he went on his first car hunting trip at the age of 12 and grew up driving in hundreds of rallies.  It was during this time that he decided to seek a career in the collector car industry.  That decision led him to become a premier collector car insurance expert.

Over the last two decades, Jim traveled the world to be with cars and collectors at events like the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance and the Paris Retromobile. When you’re around collectors as often as Jim, you get asked a lot of questions.  “Where should I sell my car?”  “My kids aren’t interested in the cars, what should I do?”

Acquiring a classic car is easy.  Mapping out a succession plan for your collection is an artform. That’s where Carnection Advisors come in.  As a fee based advisory firm, we never take payment from any business or organization. We work solely in your best interest to put your plan into action.  

CARnection advisors provide confidential and objective classic car advice to our clients by assisting them in pre-planning the future of their collection.  It’s an important part of an estate but frequently gets left to the surviving spouse at the worst possible time.  The Carnection Advisory Plan (CAP) is a four-step process.

  1. Get to know you and your history.
  2. Review each car and establish its General Market Value™ (GMV).
  3. We’ll go deeper to establish the Historic Market Value™ (HMV) for each car by documenting what makes them unique.
  4. Map the future of your collection and store the cars in your own virtual garage.

To learn more, be sure to visit

There’s more to this story…

Some stories are just too good for the main episode… Check out this Behind the Scenes Pit Stop Minisode! Available exclusively on our Patreon.

Guest Co-Host: Don Weberg

In case you missed it... be sure to check out the Break/Fix episode with our co-host.
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The following content has been brought to you by Garage Style Magazine. Because after all, what doesn't belong in your garage?


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Don W
Don W
What's been missing from your Garage? Garage Style Magazine. Don brings a wealth of experience to our media team, and we're thankful to have him on board!

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