A high school grad and a hooker-in-training try to track down his stolen Corvette; need we say more?
We celebrate our 100th episode with Steve & Izzy from Everything I Learned From Movies (EILFM) in a crossover episode discussing and reviewing the 1970’s cult classic “Corvette Summer” starring Annie Potts (best known for playing Janine Melnitz, Ghostbusters & Mary Jo, Designing Women) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker, Starwars).
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Steve and Izzy - Hosts for Everything I Learned from Movies Podcast

Steve and Izzy watch bad movies, drink good beer, funny third thing. Cheers!

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[00:00:00] Hello and welcome to the Gran Touring Motor Sports Podcast Break Fix, where we’re always fixing the break into something motor sports.
Hey everybody. I’m Steve. And I’m Izzy. And we’re with everything I learned from movies and tonight. Oh, tonight we’re actually on another podcast, babe. What? I know. I know. I tricked you once again. . Wait, but I took a left when we came down the hall. Oh. The interwebs are very mysterious. But we are here on Gran Touring Motor Sports Break Fix podcast.
Welcome. What’s up? Welcome back. Steven. Izzy. How you guys doing? Great. Great. How about you? Not too bad. Last time we talked, we went a whole gamut of different car related movies and we did it in a drag race format, but this time we decided why don’t we hone in on one special Gem in the movie world. And with me tonight is our co-host Brad, as well as our executive co-producer of the drive-through series, Tanya, and a fan [00:01:00] favorite mountain man.
Damn. Yeah. Woo. Hey, how’s everybody doing? So before we get started, I just have to say, Eric, we need to up our podcast game and we need to jingle, right? I know. We need, we need a harmonized jingle because we’re missing out big time. Look, I’ll tell you, the key to success is marry your co-host. It’s so much easier to get scheduling done.
Is that legal here in Maryland? Eric, can we do that? I, I think it is. Maryland was one of the first . I mean, what would our, what would our jingles sound like? Everything I learned from driving and I did the crash. Well, I think they might sue us for copyright in friend that . It’s probably not good. No, we’re we judge you?
Yeah. we’re like, we did it better . Anyway, we would auto tune it. There you go. . So what movie are we talking about tonight, guys? Oh man. We were talking about a movie I didn’t even know really existed. 1978. Corvette Summer. Wait, your dad never said the joke every time you were watching any Star Wars movie.
Hey, that’s the guy from [00:02:00] Corvette Summer. No . Okay. Well, my dad has a sense of humor. Sorry, babe. . I mean, I tried to write an intro for this, and I came up with one line and I stole it. It says, A high school grad and a hooker in training tried to track down his stolen cor. Need we say more? That basically sums it up.
No, no, no. It’s not his. They just try to track down a Corvette , a stolen Corvette belongs to the school. . They’re trying to suck down school property. So that’s a, that’s a good student right there. So much cringe. So much cringe. Look, schools used to care about their students, I guess. I guess. I mean, I mean, any school that serves a minor scotch and a tin cup, and we’ll get to that.
Right? Oh, we will. By the way, did you guys go to shop class when you were in high school? Like was it still around? I don’t know if it’s still a thing, but we didn’t have one at Dam DeMatha. I spent majority of my high school career in the auto shop [00:03:00] class. So, This was very similar in the aspect of being in the shop class, working on stuff, so I could relate to it.
You took field trips to the junkyard too? No, those were, uh, trips with my stepfather. I mean, I know it’s the backyard, the back 40, but still Is that where Daniel gets the idea for all these diamonds in the rough ? Diamonds in the rust . Excellent. Well, before we get started, I don’t know, Steve, we’re too sober to talk about this movie.
Oh, that’s very, very true. Too. Sober. Uh, so from Wasatch Brewery here near Salt Lake City, Utah, we have their Devastator Doble box. Yeah. Which is 8% alcohol by volume. Man, this is one of our favorite beers. That’s pretty fantastic. Let’s see if you’re going to Sin. Sin Big. Our double bok is a sweet, toasty, and rich, but finishes gentle.
This beer has developed a serious cult following. Imagine that a cult in Utah ah, can’t be true. And mak. Up in harmony. Well, on [00:04:00] on our side, I’m leading the charge with A G T M Paddock favorite because only the finest things come in. Red Solo cups. This is the one, the only, the Yeager monster, half Yeager, half sugar free white Monster.
This is legit. Oh Jesus. I don’t know. It’s abb. I dunno. Anything. You know, I call it my sugar free white monster as well. So
that’s what she said. Honey, I told you no more pillow talk. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Just the sugar free. It was too perfect. It’s all protein. It’s all protein.
We could just for an hour and a half, we don’t need to talk about the movie. This would be better radio. I know you’re not supposed to drink and drive, but you can definitely drink and pod at a thousand percent. And I wish I had pre-game for this movie. So, speaking of pre-gaming, Steve, tell us all about this wonderful piece of seventies.
Well, I mean, to start off, it comes from writer director Matthew Robbins. [00:05:00] Who’s he? Steve. Oh, I’m glad you asked. This was actually his first movie. Whoa. You can tell. And then he went on to do, okay. These are some great movies that will definitely pop up on our podcast eventually. Dragon Slayer. You’ve all seen that one.
All right. What? I think that’s the, uh, Peter McNichol when he is like 18 or something, fighting a dragon. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. The legend of Billy Jean. Oh, Jesus. . It’s a winner. Batteries not included. We all saw that when we were kids. Oh, we talked to the writer, if that’s right, that’s a gem. Oh, we sure did.
That’s right. Yes. Yes. Wilson and a 1991 movie called Bingo, which I had to look up. It’s about a runaway circus dog befriending a boy, and it stars Kurt Fuller, Glen Shaddocks, and a Bear. Amen. This Octo Bear, right? . Wait, is the dog’s name bear? No, no. It star’s a bear. Apparently there’s a dog and a chorus because he’s a circus dog.
There’s also gotta be a circus bear. Wow. Is that like the Clint Eastwood movie with the monkey? What was that called? Every which wave of Lose In which wave of Lose right turn. Client is a famous line from that [00:06:00] or any which way you can. Is that the sequel? I mean, the only dog that ever mattered to me in the movie was Fred from Smoking in the Bandit.
I’m just gonna lay it out there. You never watched Homeward Bound? Oh, Homeward Bound. That touched my, if you didn’t cry when Shadow fell down that hole, you have no soul. I think you just described Eric to a t. . . I associate with Darth Vader. But we’ll talk about that later. . But you may be wondering, Matthew Robbins, you said he’s a writer too.
How did he start off with something huge? Like Corvette Summer? Yes. Oh right. The sequel to the sequel to the Star Wars franchise. Uh, he. Close encounters of the third kind Mimick from the mid nineties. You remember that one? Yeah. Probably mistake it with the Relic . Uh, don’t be afraid of the Dark Crimson Peak and coming soon.
He wrote their Toro’s Pinocchio that’s coming out next year, apparently with the voice talents of Kate Blanchette till this went and run. Pearlman, Christoff Alz, Ian McGregor, Finn Wolfhard, John Touro, [00:07:00] and Tim Blake Nelson. So he wrote some of my favorite movies of all time apparently. That’s a pretty great cast for the new Pinocchio movie, by the way.
I mean, who knew Corvette Summer would launch this epic career, right. , nobody. Indeed. . Yeah. And then, uh, of course the cast, we have legendary thespian, mark Hamel as Kenneth w Danley, Jr. This was basically his follow up to Star Wars. Like immediately after, is it before or after the accident? We were trying to figure it out.
It would be after if it’s after Star Wars. Yeah. Say we got a little fun fact about it. Both of the films leads were in car accidents prior to principal photography. The other one, uh, Annie Pots, you might know her best as Janine from Ghostbusters. Woo. This is her feature film debut. She’s also design. Why does everybody know her best from Ghostbusters?
Did nobody watch designing women? I say yes, she was eSigning women apparently, but you know, Cinema have seen that movie tv, her show or seven years . Isn’t she a sugar maker? ? [00:08:00] Well, she’s also like the grandma and Young Sheldon or something now. And no one knows that. Really? I did not know then, because nobody watches TV anymore.
We stream it all. But to your point, yeah, we were looking at this and it’s her fourth, IM imdb credit, but it turns out it’s her first movie. And Tanya found something pretty interesting about her being in her first movie and this being her first movie. Oh, well there was a Golden Globe Award for a New Star of the Year, which she was nominated for with this movie.
Ooh, my. Unfortunately, she lost out to, um, somebody I’ve never heard of. Irene. Irene Miracle from the movie Midnight Express. Oh, I’ve seen Midnight Express. Yeah. How about that? Let’s see. Just proves how terrible the seventies were. We also found out that that award was subsequently removed. Two years later, so it doesn’t exist anymore.
1982. The last one. Yes. They moonlighted that out and, uh, sandal Bergman from Conan the Barbarian was the last who receive that award, . [00:09:00] And then they’re like, well, we can’t hop that . Okay. I would say like, what have we watched? She’s the girl from Puppetmaster. What? Annie Pots? No, Irene Miracle. Oh, we’ve seen her and stuff.
Oh, oh, okay. Yeah. And she won it for, what, what movie was it? Midnight Express. Midnight Express. Oh, Ben, I express Oh, okay. You confused it with Pineapple Express. I, I got it. It’s, or Sugarland Express. Or Golder Express. Golden Express, yeah. . Yeah. Yeah. She was the, uh, the Tom Hank CGI thing, right? Yeah. . She was the bear.
I think , well, if we’re talking trivia too, mark Hamel, right? I, I don’t even think of him as Luke Skywalker anymore. When somebody says Bar Camel, I immediately think the Joker from Batman. Oh, right. Batman. The animated series. Okay, guys, I’ll throw this out there. Mark Camel , especially in this movie, he’s an okay looking guy, but he’s like, oh, he’s not, he’s like, Ron Howard.
Like, eh, he is a. Weird, awkward looking team. Look, thank God he got a career as a voice actor, . Well, it’s probably why he got a career as a voice actor cuz [00:10:00] who wanted him to be the leading man in Hollywood movies. He just, obviously George Lucas, well he gotta consider the audience the best looking guy at a church potluck.
Somebody said it and I don’t remember who it was. He’s a weird looking dude and he’s an ugly woman, like he can’t do either one. , he was an ugly young man, which he wasn’t that young in this movie, but he was an ugly young man heading towards middle age, but he’s actually a much better looking older man.
So he’s like finally, after. 50 years aged into himself. Meanwhile, most of us Annie Pots, holy cow. Wow. Wow. What a looker. And pots can get it. Yeah. She is a, she is a goddamn cutie in this movie. I’m like, . She, she reminded me of like a mini me version of Sigourney Weaver from Alien. She kind of had that with the hair and everything.
She had that very like petite kind of, but Sigourney weaver’s like eight feet tall. So . I was thinking, I was thinking, what’s her face from, uh, my cousin Vinny that [00:11:00] she had that kind. Oh, Marissa. Yeah. I can see that. We need to do an episode just on leading ladies. . Do an episode apparently just on Wafi.
Burnetts . There you go. Well, we’ll talk about her costumes as we go along as well. Cause I got, which one is. As the drive-through lady or as the prostitute in training, or as the car wash per, or whatever, however many 50 million jobs she had at the beginning of this movie. I love her hustle . It was, it was good.
Gotta respect it. Respect the hustle. I mean, shows up as a bond girl towards the end, right? Yeah, yeah. Excuse me, do I know you . All right, so we start off, of course, in everybody’s favorite location, the junkyard. Woo. Just, just looking at all these prime sixties and seventies cars just stacked on top of one another like hamburgers.
I love how they’re in their prime. In the junkyard. Yeah. the prime of when cars were made. , that, that opening scene. I know Dan got super excited, like, you know, he was, he was, all, his blood pressure was [00:12:00] all the way up looking. He was looking for parts for his car, a thousand percent. Right. But I’m sitting there looking at this going, oh my God, this is gonna be like other seventies movies.
It had that grainy look to it, you know, the way they filmed it back then. Mm-hmm. with the music. And I’m just like, what are we doing in the, and I’m like, oh God, I’m preparing for an hour and 44 minutes of torture. I’m just like, oh boy. Oh, come on. The, the soundtrack was pretty funky. I liked it. It was the glitter.
The glitter was a nice touch. Oh yeah. The, the, oh my God. I, the soundtrack was a hundred percent John Carpent. I made a note that the soundtrack did not fit the movie at all to me. Sorry. None of the movie we watched. Sorry. We watched two movies today. My brain stopped working. Yeah, we, we, we watched Shadow in The Cloud came out last year, by the way.
Very interesting movie. But yeah, that’s the John Carpent. Sorry, my brain Slim The Family Stone. That’s right. Something. Yeah. I’m gonna quiz Dan. What was in the crusher before he found the Corvette? Were you paying attention? Are you talking about the Rambler? Oh, ding, ding, ding, ding. That’s easy. It set it on the front of the car.
You got, I [00:13:00] wanted to see if he was paying attention. It was spelled out for him. Joe Dirk spent a lot of time try trying to track down a rambl. All right, . Well, apparently Mark Hamble spends a lot of time tracking down a Corvette, so here we go. . I love the fact that the second line of the movie was, there’s a Volkswagen, we could turn it into a buggy
I do. Boogie. I did, I did notice that. Nothing foreign , but I, I gotta, I gotta be honest. Of all the times, and Dan can probably say this too, that we’ve spent in junkyards, even as kids before we knew each other. I have never seen a Corvette in the junkyard. Yeah, it’s true. I I’ve never seen one. No, I’ve seen a couple Camaros, but yeah, they’re covets, no Corvette.
So I, I’m already suspending disbelief at this point. Right. So let’s go from there. I’m gonna say my reason for thinking there’s never been any Corvette’s in junkyards is because they’re fiberglass. They’re not worth anything to the junkyard . So people show up with him. Like, I mean, that thing was pretty roached out.
I’m really surprised. This is the car, you know, and he’s screaming and, and I [00:14:00] think the funniest part of that particular scene is when he gets to the control booth and he’s yelling at the guy, he’s like, Hey, hey, hey, hey. And both my wife and I are like, just, just hit the freaking button. The button? Yeah, the button.
The red button. Do you see the button? The big red one that says hit here. Yeah. I mean it, but, but that sets us up for that. Like he’s this high school kid who’s not that good at stuff, but he’s good at cars. You’re absolutely right. I’m like, what is going on? So, so where do we go from there guys? Basically.
Yeah. You know, Luke Skywalker jumps in at the last minute to save the vet from being crushed. And then we go to shop class and uh, we get a nice little montage of like, the car being made and, yeah. Yeah. All I could think was Luke, those other classes. Luke Skywalker has to build a ten second car for Dom Teretta.
Yeah, . Yeah. So let’s talk about shop class. So Eugene Roche, I guess is how you pronounce his last name, or Rock Roche, I guess. I looked at, I literally turned to my wife cause we watched a movie together and I said, isn’t that the guy who played the dad on home improvement? Wasn’t that like Jill’s dad or whatever?
But I [00:15:00] mistook him for somebody else. But that guy’s been in a ton of movies. Oh yeah. But he has this reputation for kind of being a little skeezy. So I already, I already had something foreman in my head as we went along. And I don’t wanna spoil it for folks till we get there, but I was like, man, what is going on?
Oh, we also get a get to see that, uh, little Kenny, uh, you know, Luke Skywalker, he lives in a trailer park with his mom and we see her as, she’s like getting back from a date or whatever, late at night, and he’s been locked outta the house. And then, uh, then we get the little like kiss on the lips between him guys.
How old were you when you stopped kissing your mom on the lips? Uh, five. Wow. Yeah, I was gonna say, my daughters gave up at maybe two , but I already, I will not forget that scene cuz it, she’s like, come here and get mom a kiss. And as soon as they ha my wife goes, what the f damn trailer parking boundaries issue.
It was the seventies. Come on. It wasn’t just some short little peck though. There was like some length to that kiss, which was like the creepy. [00:16:00] She like grabbed the back of his head. I’m like, what is going on? Oh, Steve, kiss me like I’m your mom. Well, no, God bless. Why would you do that?
But I realized something very quickly. There’s a parallel between this and a new hope in this movie and in that one, Luke Skywalker doesn’t have a dad. Mm. And kisses a family member. Hey, . . Yeah. So, okay. And we find out he’s like failing, I don’t know, science or whatever. And you know the teachers are real dick when they spell out D minus M I N u s on the paper.
That’s like rubbing it in, right? Yeah, absolutely. And then you go back to the scene where he’s in shop again and he is working on now David Kaine’s Death Race, 2000 Corvette. Did you guys see this hood? What was going on? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It’s definitely death race 2000. Yeah. Like I kept expecting, uh, fuck, I’m trying to think of a stupid name for a character, uh, machine Gun Joey or whatever to come out[00:17:00]
No, no. Instead you got the annoying friend Danny Bonci coming out. That was the redhead, the movie. Yeah, the redhead guy. Coots or whatever. Yeah. . Oh my goodness. I couldn’t believe that. At first I was like, what? Who? No, no. , but I will say who see the movie ? , it was a cameo appearance at, you know, nine years old or whatever.
What got me though is, you know, he’s doing all this work and people, I have to inform you, as Dan mentioned, Corvets have been native fiberglass since the early 1950s. So when he’s sanding and doing all this work with no mask on, I’m like, yeah, those are those California laws, you know, that we have now about breathing in things and what whatnot.
I’m like, dude, this is not cool. What was also, they look so young and youthful. , , and then you thought about his health and safety. I did right. , you’re such a dad. Oh yeah. It was a big red OSHA stamp on there. No , no. Where’s the inspector? Guys, I just wanna let you [00:18:00] know our 20 year old podcast, Mr. Pickles has entered the scene and he’s great at unplugging things.
Nice. If you hear Jingly bells or we just disappear, blame Mr. Pickles. Fact, we have lots of fans public. This is Damnit Pickles, correct me. They revealed the car before the giant make out music montage, right? Yeah. Yeah. They, well, they kind of tease it and then Yeah, he does like the lonely walk where he walks by and people are just making out really stationary and slowly as he is walking by and then casually like walks into the prom and I’m like, did you not hear the music or something?
But then it was like all over town like I was, I felt like we were watching like an American in Paris suddenly it’s like, why is everybody making out all over the place? Yeah, he walks by the Eiffel Tower and then the leaning tower of Piza and then, oh, straight car goes by. Yeah. Yeah, it’s cuz it was the seventies.
So I gotta ask, when they unveiled the car for the first time, opened the garage door and he rolls out in a plume of tire smoke. What did we think? Let’s do a round robin [00:19:00] knee jerk. What did everybody think Tanya? Hot trash. Dan. Why Brad? Hot Wheels come to life. Steven. Izzy, what’d you think? What’s your gut reaction?
You know what I thought? And this is the nerd in me, I looked at this thing and I go, damn, we just stepped into the Transformers movie. It’s hot Rod. Come to light, right? Yes. Rod Mirad. It is. I had, I had sort of a similar thing, but more film nerd thing. I was like, I wonder what’s faster. That thing or the rath , Ooh, nice pole.
I was just like, I was watching, is that just where my brain went? I’m like, huh, who would win in a race? That or the race car. Alright, , it’s not the most dynamic hood you’ve ever seen in your life, but, uh, it’ll take in that air. What is the car from the race? I forget. I wanna say it’s a Pontiac something. I can’t remember.
Yeah, it, I think that’s where the Pontiac GCI came from. Yeah. And it was like a prototype for that. Yeah. They put a lot of time and money into that 15 second quarter mile Corvette. . . All right. It’ss a Dodge. [00:20:00] M four s. Turbo. Interceptor. Yeah. Yeah. We were all, we were all right, it’s a Mopar and now, Suddenly proud.
Hmm. . Uh, well I guess after he, uh, casually walked into the prom or whatever, the, his, uh, shop teacher saw him there. I guess he was a chaperone or something, and he, uh, falls him back to the shop cuz I don’t know, he either followed him or heard a noise. From the prom, I don’t know, whatever. But he walks in and is like, oh, the kid’s gonna go and jerk off on that card.
Oh yeah, . He’s only like, oh, you’re not sticking your dick in the gas tank again, are you? We don’t wax budget. We’re a public school kid. Well, here, let me, let me give you some whiskey, dick. Let’s go drink some scotch and a Dixie Cup back here. And, uh, see, he’s just trying to save the school some money. . Yeah.
He had, he was high class. He had 10 prison cups. I’m drinking out of a red solo cup here. People, I mean, come on. No, my mistake. Yeah. . . I wanna jump on that because immediately we paused the movie because my wife goes, hold on a second. This guy’s like a senior in high school. Junior. Like, we’re trying [00:21:00] to figure out how old he is at this point.
Mm-hmm. . And she goes, wait, was alcohol legal at that age in the seventies? And, and it turned into this 20 minute, we’re gonna search Google and find out the laws and all this kind of thing. Turns out in 1933, California passed the law that the legal drinking age was 21. So little nerd fact there. So I was like, oopsy.
You never had the pool teacher who slipped the pool illegal. I think that was a foreshadowing into the character of the teacher that you find out about later. Spoiler alert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s, let’s think about this. Uh, cars are also stolen in this movie. Prostitution is fairly rampant. Yeah. There’s some illegal things going on.
Prostitution’s just like a hobby. Luke. That was amazing. That was a hard, prostitution is like a potential career path for a young woman after she’s been an amateur for so long, which basically means whoing. She wants to go pro. That was one of the best. Blinds. What did she, what did she say? She goes, uh,
She goes, amateur Go pro or something. Yeah. She goes, I’m a trainee. [00:22:00] Time comes when every amateur goes pro. I’m like, damn, that’s awesome. You go girl. Own it girl. So we’re still like kind of in this period of the car is new and hot, right? They’re bringing it on the scene. And after I did the whole tra trying to get the transformers imagery outta my head, the next thing that popped into my mind was, why the hell is this thing right Hand drive bingo, but no fur cars.
We’re gonna take a domestic and make it right hand drive . Mm-hmm. . But Brad, you found an answer to that, didn’t you? I did. It’s because Mark Hamel wanted to be able to sit closer to the curb so he could holler at the ladies That is actually written on imdb. Can you believe that? Hmm. By someone who made it up?
I’m sure. So does that imply that he actually thought that was a car that should be driven? around on public roads when the movie wasn’t filming. That was probably his personal car. Oh, absolutely. He probably owns that car. Yeah. He had Star Wars money. Baby bought, Hey baby, he wanna bought See a Genser . He bought a Stingray with his Star Wars money.
I mean, you think about it, all the young individuals at that time, like Dirk Diggler [00:23:00] wanted a Corvette, you know, was not that Corvette. Who wants a C3 Corvette? Seriously, at that time, I would take, I don’t understand it. Looking back with, it was like a lot of the kids at the time, everybody was like, eh, it’s a Corvette
Yeah. See that Or a Pinto, am I right? I, I mean, they modeled the car for the Ambiguously gay duo off that Corvette. I mean, come on. Right? Oh my goodness. So then we’re on this street race scene, like suddenly we’re in Fast and Furious. Yeah. The teacher takes the school build team to the drag races. Drag race is just dragging up and down the strip.
That’s, that’s just American calling Ladies on your pa. That’s a running up and down the strip. Friday night, Saturday night, and any small town back in the day down, police, police were police were standing right in the middle of the road. They didn’t care. Can I say something When they’re standing in the middle of the road, it happens like four times this movie.
I’m like, okay, get hit him with the car again, . Cause it happens later, but, well, it is a death race car. I mean, come on. Right. I’ve got a pop wrist for you guys [00:24:00] though. Did anybody notice what kind of motorcycles the police were riding? Uh, BMW Close. Because it is a, a foreign motorcycle. It’s a motor. Uzi. Oh, it was a Mo guzi.
I was gonna say a triol. No, it was a moto guzi. It’s heavy. Well, I, I got a quiz for you then too, if you remember, since you were talking about Mark Hamill leaning out the window of the Corvette pulling up to the curb when he pulled up the, is that how he lost his arm for Empire Street? Yeah. Yeah. A th thousand percent.
Did you spot the car that was behind him? I’ll give you a hint. It was white the first time they showed the car from the aerial view when he was downtown for the drag race. Challenger from, uh, vanishing Point. Elvis Gray lady. It is Carmen the only car built in Canada. Brooklyn. That’s not the only car that was built in Canada though, Camaro?
No, no. The only car that has ever been manufactured from Canada, not built in, assembled in Canada. Oh, okay. . But anyway, moving on. The drag races were terrible. Yeah. Well, yeah. So yeah, I love the burnout before the drag race too. And then you launch [00:25:00] during a burnout. That’s That’s a great way to go really fast.
Yeah. That’s how you go faster. Come on. Anybody who’s understood in a parking lot knows burnouts are how guys measure their dicks. I mean, go faster. I don’t, I don’t know what I’m saying. on those bias ply. Well, I’m, I’m just amazed by the fact that it didn’t kick the ass in sideways over into the car next to it as he launched.
I, I was thinking the same thing. As a matter of fact, the stunt driver was amazing. He did a, he didn’t have enough power that walking 200 horsepower outta that 8,008 liter V8 Corvette . Oh, it’s so true. It’s so true. So in the movie, uh, the teacher sends, uh, one of the guys in the car. They’re like, go pick up eight large Cokes and a Sprite for me, and remember, take the keys with you and blah, blah, blah.
And it shows ’em like walking away, like not listening or whatever. I’m like, is he gonna leave the keys in the fucking car? Nope. But yeah, it got stolen. And like hours later he comes walking back with the sodas. I’d just be like, all right, I gotta leave town. I gotta change my name. , right? Not just [00:26:00] walking down with the sodas, but walking down in the middle of a four-lane road.
I’m like, yeah, nobody else there too. It’s la Right? I’m Confus. Well, it must have been towards the end of the night when the cops chased everybody off. Cause you noticed there was no traffic at the point when he’s walking back. Yeah. The cops lost enough money on the race that they decided to break it up and send everybody home.
that makes way more sense. What’s that? Where’s my $200? Get your ass in the back of my car. Hey, everybody outta here. Where the cops Irish in la I dunno. Where were we? Um, so , the car was stolen. Oh, Tanya has, Tanya has a fun fact to share. Ooh. Apparently according to the Corvette Museum, there were actually two of these atrocities that were made.
And one of them, as in this photo was actually the traditional hand drive that we are accustomed to in this country. Mm. So I’m not sure where that was used in the movie. If there was like interviews maybe that we didn’t catch where the driver, the driver was on the left side. Oh, you know what? It [00:27:00] was probably like all the shots where it was like on the street.
Street or legal, like that was their street legal one maybe Makes sense. Or probably all the shots where the car is actually moving. Yeah. And apparently one of the, I guess they’re referencing, I think in this photo, the left hand drive. And then there’s a comment that’s saying that the other one isn’t.
Private collection in Australia. This was as of 2016. Oh. So we know, we still know where this car is. That’s kind of cool. But the right hand drive one is in Australia. Yeah. Super fun. Facts. It’s fun. Fun facts. Mad boo. I’m just curious. You have a seat at Colette. This is gonna jump quite a bit, but I just wanna say when he Spoiler alert, finds the car and they, the guy knows that he’s onto him and he says, we gotta paint this car.
Yeah. That’s gonna hide it. Not the fact that it’s, you know, right hand drive. It’s one of one. We’ll just paint it. You’ll never know it’s the same car. No, you’re looking for a red car man. That’s obviously a gold car. Yeah. You, sorry. So yeah, it’s stolen. Kenny like [00:28:00] flips out. Starts beating the shit out of Danny Bonaduce witches, you know, whatever.
I’m the most, I love how the cops are just like, well, he kind of deserved it. But , no assault charges. No, no. We’re not pressing any charges tonight. . Yeah. Yeah. But I love what he like ghost to the cops and is like, Hey, this car got stolen. He be finally like, I don’t know, a lot of Corvette’s get stolen, blah, blah, blah.
No, this is the only one with the hood that looks like Godzilla’s back though. So , it should be pretty easy to find. So then we get, we get sad. Canda, Luke Skywalker, at that point, he’s all Moy and depressed. Right? Moy and depressed. Okay. This dude looked like he was strung out. I don’t know what the entire time either coming down off something or trying to get back up on something, like he was so wigged out the whole time.
It was annoying. Pain’s a hell of a drug. He’s high on the love of his car. You guys should, uh, like, should know this feeling. You just can’t stop thinking about it. You’re just lying in bed. Like, oh, do you think it thinks about me? I mean, I’m [00:29:00] wondering if you had like Pink Eye in this movie too. Did anyone catch how like one eye was all red on one side?
Like, guys, guys, okay, I, I’m gonna, I’ll go to the fun facts again. Both Mark Ham and Annie Potts were in car accidents prior to principal photography. , I mean, maybe it’s side effect from that. Apparently. Let’s see, pot’s got pins in her leg while Hamel got a broken nose. Oh, there we go. Broken nose. That’ll do it.
Staple it back together. I don’t know. Yeah. He seem to remember he had to have like half his face sewed back on. He must, he must have been in multiple car accidents cuz there was articles saying that before New Hope or what is the second five back? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They like at the very beginning of the movie, they have whatever monster like scratch him and basically it hid the fact that his face was disfigured from Yeah.
Cause they, they had to like sew his face back on. I thought that would’ve was motorcycle accident. That would’ve been after this movie though. That was a car accident in Malibu apparently driving that God awful Corvette. That’s why . Oh probably that’s why he gave the other one to Brian James, his co-star from this movie and he’s living down in Australia now.
Oh . That’s not a Corvette. Cool. That, see [00:30:00] what happens. Yeah. Oh yeah. So the cops come by like, oh yeah, I guess there’s a ring of car thieves. I guess you’re fall fucked cuz they probably took it to another state. Anyway, have a nice day everybody. Yep. They definitely can never find a car across state lines.
Ask me about when my dad bought. Uh, stolen Jeep on eBay. Accidentally . Ooh, that’s a juicy bit of hot take. Oh, it was like the early days of eBay when you could still like bid on like human hearts and like weird shit. Oh, and he bought a Jeep Thelist thing was quote like in boxes and he was outta Florida and we were in California and he was like, yeah, I can assemble this.
Because he was, he is a mechanic and he’s brilliant to that stuff. He paid a ton of money to have it shipped in. He assembled it and got it running, built it in our driveway, drove it down to go get it registered. Turns out it was stolen. Sheriff’s department ceased the whole thing. Wow. Oh, he was S sol. The old days of eBay are amazing.
I remember when you could buy ad space on women’s chest and put your logo on there. Mm-hmm. It’s pretty cool. Oh yeah. Oh, I dunno if you guys are, uh, old enough to remember when that couple like sold their virginity [00:31:00] on eBay.
Where’s the Picard like head in hand demotion right now. also all I is a question. How much , you know what? I can Google what? What was the final bid? real sad thing is how we haven’t really progressed as a society. Yeah, no, because it would be an N F T now. Like that lady who’s selling farts in a jar, right?
So there you go. Fans only baby. All right. Woo. So they’re only fans. I don’t even know what it’s called. All right. They started like eBay, so would’ve been around 1999. The most expensive virginity went for $32,000. Another one went for $12,800. It’s a bargain. Yeah, man. , it’s kind of like what stays in Vegas or wait, how does that go?
What happens? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. So anyway, uh, you know what happens from here, um, Kenny or whatever is working at the gas station and uh, some guy just comes along one day and he sees the little, uh, you know, have you seen this car thing? He’s like, oh yeah, that’s how that car, I was all in [00:32:00] Vegas.
I was a little drunk, but it was sitting on me. You all ready to be pit on ? Anyway, I gotta go. I’m gonna go to the bathroom and buy a comb for a dime. Guys, did they have comb dispensers in the seventies? Yes. I think that was the guy replenishing the stock for the condoms and the combs and the things like that in the bathroom because he put stuff out of his trunk to take it over and put it in there to refill.
Yeah. What were the jokes of hooch or whatever that were in the backseat? It looked like he was like a shine smuggler. It was a cleaning materials. Like some of it looked like, some of it looked like bottles of liquor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Weird. Anyway, yeah. So then Mark Campbell’s like, oh my God, I got a hitch hike to Vegas Now , by the way, that’s my, my excellent Mark Hamel voice.
Tashi and I were gonna go some tour converters. . Oh man. Uh, see how long the way he gets picked up by like a, a hearse on hydros that’s going 15 miles an hour. And I’d say love. I loved that car, by the way. Right. I like, I like the paint job. Although, so when they’re in the car, they’re talking about you’re a GM man.[00:33:00]
Wasn’t he driving a Buick Riviera? Wasn’t that, isn’t that what that car was? Yes. Oh, I thought it was old. And isn’t Buick GM. So what kinda is that? Yeah, Steve was, but I love the graveyard motif painted on the side. That was cool. But I will say, I suddenly realized, and my my wife pointed this out too, she goes, Kenny’s kind of a douche.
Yeah. He’s, he’s a one car man, like he has no appreciation for other vehicles. And I’m like, did you just say that out loud? Like, who are you? Who did I marry? Right. So I I, I have a very prideful moment at that point. So that scene meant a lot to me at, at the end. You know, , he’s uh, but he’s got the tunnel vision.
He only has eyes for her. It’s the only woman he is ever loved besides his bomb. So, oh. So that’s actually a big, begs a really good question cuz in the car community, a lot of us name our vehicles. So what do we think the name of the Corvette is? Or maybe we hold that to the end as we think about this a little bit more.
Oh guys, that’s in the title. The Corvette’s name is Summer. Oh shit. He’s looking for Corvette, summer . Oh damn. You know, my mind is melted [00:34:00] now. It’s over the, the working title was Summer, the Corvette. But they’re like, that sounds stupid. Switch it up. , Corvette, the summer. Get rid of the thought. Yeah. Yeah. Get that outta there.
What else could it be like Yvette? I don’t . Oh, I like that. I like that Vannessa. God. Ok. . We’re gonna get to it, but Vannessa, I’m like, oh fuck. That’s the name of this movie. Should have been, oh, I was like, honey, are we doing this for the Grind Bin Podcast? ? That was the sequel that nobody watched. Vannessa. Oh, I would watch Van Vanessa.
We have a lot of seventies van movies. Okay, guys. and it hands with her having to get a job as a receptionist in New York. Boom. Ghostbusters prequel. I quit Better Jobs in this Jeanine Origins. Oh, I like that it’s cannon. So anyway, yeah, they’re going like 15 miles an hour. He’s like, Hey, can we go a little faster for God’s sakes?
And he is like, oh man, we’re all about class, not speed. And he’s like, [00:35:00] cool, I’m just gonna step out of this car real quick. He like, we’re going to Tijuana, like, aren’t you excited? And he, and it’s like, no, you said you were gonna Vegas, that’s why he jumped in. Yes. Yeah. Like Los Alamos. And I’m like, that’s not what Pete, what?
Are they going somewhere else now? We’re gonna bunny hop to Mexico. Apparently. Is he gonna be human traffic yet? I think he was gonna like lose a kidney. My wife being the nerd that she is, sometimes she goes 15 miles an hour. It’s like a 300 mile trip to LA to Vegas. Right. So that’s like, they’re gonna spend a whole day hopping, you know?
But like you said, bunny hopping their way. It’s Las Vegas. Ugh. Brutal. We’ll run out of gas past physics. I guarantee it. . I, I like how the one scene as they pull away, as he got outta the car, the one car starts to bounce and you can see the front of it start once towards the side of the road. Cuz the guy can’t keep it straight as it starts to move.
Yeah. at the back. Almost ruined at all of ’em. It was, they were like being followed by like a gremlin or something and like that guy slammed on the brake. But this begin, The epic just waterfall of Annie Pott’s one-liners. Oh [00:36:00] yeah. Because she’s so good in this guy. Yeah, she is like this shining light in this movie.
Every scene with her is magical . Yeah. So he is, uh, walking along the side of the road, El Mariachi style, and a van pulls over, gives a little honk, honk, opens up, and she’s got headphones on and just yelling gibberish for whatever reason. I don’t know. So you got your Luke Skywalker impression. I’m gonna do my best Annie pots.
So here we go. Shit. Here we go. Silence everybody. Silence Dr. Venkman. Dr. Vnk, if you’re gonna hitchhike, you gotta stick something out.
Nailed it. So, yeah, we find out her name’s, uh, or, or no, we don’t, we don’t find out her name. She’s like, oh yeah, I’m going to Vegas. And, uh, if you really wanna appreciate the van, look in the back. You like, kind of get a peek back there. It’s like, is that a bed and, oh yeah. Like a four post bed. What the hell’s going on back there?
It’s, it’s not just a bed though. It’s a lone bed. Yeah. We find out it’s a fully tricked out bedroom with like a fridge and, oh, red lighting and red, red shag [00:37:00] carpeting up the walls. There’s a fridge, like, I could live in this van. I won’t lie. I know that this van smells like wet dogs. I know this . Thousand percent.
I still would live in this van . Wet dogs is a lot better smell than what I was anticipating. It smelled like with her line of work. Hey now, hey, now family, show family. So these, the, these kinds of vehicles always end up smelling like a wet dog. They just always do Well, it was like every airplane scene you’ve ever seen in TV or movie.
I’m like, they’re not that big in real life. It’s like the Tardis, right? It’s bigger on the inside, right? The outside. It’s like, how is that on the road? You know what though? Annie Pots is tiny and so is Mark. And Mark. Campbell’s not very big. No, no. This might be real van size. . . It’s like that show on, uh, what is it, A and e, like little houses or whatever.
Like people live in the micro houses. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We’re li like our producer here will remember this. The little Holly Pocket vans. And Polly could like live in the whole like Polly pocket’s, [00:38:00] like three centimeters tall and she can live in her van. That’s, that’s Annie Pots here. . She’s got horses in the back.
You know, you guys heard of here? Annie Pot, star of Polly Pocket . Dude, I would pay good money for that. Make it happen. Internet Live Action, Polly Pocket 2023 . We just pay any pots to live in a van for a week. Turn into web series. The modified vans during that timeframe was a big thing. And like I remember growing up, I think it’s not now.
Well, I would say it was different then. Now it’s become more necessity, but then it was like people had their home and then they still tricked their van out like that. So I had a strong appreciation. Reminded me of like my childhood, different people I knew they had vans like that and stuff. Oh, there’s a lot whole genre of movies about it too.
Yeah. Like it, it’s, it’s like the big trucker thing back then. It, there’s like at least seven or eight movies we’ve seen and many more. Like I, you’ve seen a lot of van movies. I was not being Sian, whether it’s the Van Vandy or it was a Van Nus Boulevard. Mm-hmm . The super van. Super van and [00:39:00] super van too, right?
Yeah. Yeah. I think there was a sequel too. Despite being a respray of the AAM van, I have to say, much like Annie Pots, every time the van came on the scene, I was double thumbs up. It’s the best looking vehicle. In this movie, hands down and it fits her personality. It’s beautiful. She’s super cute and it just, it all works.
It, it’s all her. Indeed, indeed. We had a camper van for a little bit when I was a kid again. My dad bought and sold and like swapped vehicles a lot and we, we had like a in boxes from eBay sometimes. No, it was more of a Here take it before the cops find out where I found Oh, oh, gotcha, gotcha. Sometimes like, oh no, that thing’s got like a blown head.
It won’t ever drive. And he’s like swaps apart out and drives it home and makes everybody mad. I don’t know. But we had, we, we did have like a seventies van and the backseat folded out into a little bed and it had a little sink that leaked all over the place. My dog smell totally smelled like a wet dog.
uh, made farting noises when you tried to shift gears. I was like six when we had the six grinded till you find it grinded till you find it. And we called it the orange crate. [00:40:00] Nice. That was also my mom’s daily driver for a while. Uh, cuz my dad took the crime. Victoria. Oh, lucky . So anyway, we find out this young lady, she’s going to Vegas and she has aspirations of becoming a, uh, professional prostitute.
Uh, she’s saying this like, while she’s driving this van and like drinking Olympia and like . Oh yeah. She’s popping an Olympia and Yeah. And she’s like, oh, you can have a cute guy. You, you probably know about girls like me. Right? Look, look, look, look. You can be my first client. Oh, my first custom, uh, how much do you think I’m worth?
I, gee, I don’t know. Um, gee, Willers mail, it’s $15. 15. What do I look like? Do I look like I already, I’m at Finn 50. You at 50? Ok. Yeah. Yeah. I’ll take 50. Ain’t got no 50. Get outta my, I’m a school kid outta my, but you never told me your name. Check the side of the Vanessa . What do [00:41:00] we think of this movie? I stopped watching
So you’ve had to go take a cold shower? I gotta take a cold shower right now. Credits roll. That’s it. I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna lie. I chuckled when they shut that door and it said Vannessa. I heard my wife like gfa, and I’m just like, wow. We are in for a ride. And then I realized we’re 35 minutes into the film.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I checked the time too. It was like, holy shit. We’re not even a third of the way through this movie. We just, this is gonna be kidding. Started. Yeah. So he like goes into the Hilton and is like asking bartenders and shit. Oh, but wait, but wait, you forgot. One of the best lines that Annie Potts gives.
I’m gonna have Izzy say it for us. Oh. Oh, which one is that? I’m a hook for Christ’s sake. feels better when you did it. I’m sorry. Yeah. Yeah. A master impersonator and needs to step in sometimes of challenge. You know, , there is another one that goes along that with that one and it’s my favorite and she turns to [00:42:00] him as they’re ta he’s, he’s like asking her about why are you going to prostitute, blah blah.
And she goes, I’m a trainee. Time comes when every amateur goes pro. And I’m like, whoa, what just happened? ? Look, she’s a woman who knows what she wants. She’s gonna. Look back in my hometown, I’ve seen miles of peca. I’m ready to set my game up. . That’s how I, after, after art school, like I just seen so much Dick, I should be prostitute , show us the origin story.
Alright, so then. So then, uh, yeah. Have, he’s like asking around, oh, that’s right. He gets like, uh, robbed by the, uh, the guy that walks out like, Hey, hey, you look like a winner. You look like a winner. Hey, why don’t you buy this necklace here? Some of these diamonds are even real. Oh, no. Thanks. Thanks. I don’t wanna look.
I don’t, uh, good. Alright. Cool, cool, cool. Well, have a nice day, sir. I gotta find a car. Have you seen this car? Uh, car? No. Oh. Maybe. Maybe it’s a little bit Circus Circus or something. Oh my God. The circus. Circus. I need car. And then we find out it’s a [00:43:00] fucking Dotson, right? . Steve Dotson Circus Circus Is the only hotel still on the strip?
Yeah. . Oh, oh. The old Vegas shots here from like 78. I’m like, well, circus Circus is the only one still around. It’s still around, right? Yeah, it’s, they hose it out. Least last time I was there, I’ve actually stayed there and I tell you what, Sign the circus. Circus sign is super annoying. Nobody sleeps in that casino.
It is possible. Oh yeah. You’re not supposed to sleep at, well, that’s why the rooms are like $14 during midweek . That’s for the whole day. Imagine per hour. No. So . I was gonna say, Steve, was it Circus? Circus where we went in the bathroom and it had been freshly dated except for the ceiling with the SBUs platter.
Oh, no, no. That was a silver, silver dollar. Yeah, it was on Fremont Street somewhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We went and were like, wow, they just painted this room. I can still smell the paint. Pan up. Pan up. Like, oh my honey arterial blood splatter up on the ceiling of this place. Yeah. Is that what I think it’s, he looks, it’s not toothpaste.[00:44:00]
Oh, fucking shit, babe. , I’m hilarious. But when he walks in at the point when he walks into the casino and walks up to the Dotson, I thought his response was hilarious. I agree. He won’t stop like all cause like from distance he thinks it’s his car cause he has similar look to it and everything. The answer he is like it’s a Dotson
Well I like how like all the hookers are like right , right. I can’t even get an American car like honey we Cadillac that way about Aon. So is that before, after they have their fir that’s after they have their first fight. They’re separated at this point for living? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re separated.
She dries off and he runs into the hotel. So before that happens though, I have to comment. Remember we were gonna comment on her wardrobe and style changes throughout the film. This is the first time she gets dressed up. Right. So I had, I didn’t have a problem with the sequin dress and anything, but she’s attractive curly hair the whole nine years.
Why does she put on a fro? Yeah. [00:45:00] It’s like a Dawn aole dynamite fro. Right. Dogs have more fun. Well, and for me, what really threw me off was like the pounds of like glitter eye makeup and shit. Yeah. I was like, uh, that’s, I, I don’t wanna see myself in your eyelids. Get the fuck outta here. I, I would like to let everyone in the audience know that Steve hates glitter.
Oh. With a passion. Steve works in the hotel industry. Oh, Jesus Christ. Steve will never ever switch a hotel room cuz he knows how hard everybody works. But we walked in into one hotel room and obviously on the little chair, somebody had had their prom dress and you could see the glitter. He immediately was like, Nope, we’re not staying here.
I’m like looking again. Don’t touch a fucking thing. We’re judging rooms. I’m looking for the ceiling again. No, it was the glitter Bloods. Better on the ceiling. In the bathroom. Perfectly fine. Glitter on the chair. Deal breaker. We’re going to a different hotel. Bitch. , I mean, I can’t take credit for this, but I have heard it referred to as the herpes of the crafting world, so absolutely.
Oh, you know what? We’re gonna have [00:46:00] to update it since it’s the covid of the grafting world. , just what you thought you got taken care of. That comes back. Look. Oh no. It’s the new variant of glitter. Ah, Tommy, look, it’s unicorn. Or unicorn, right? Whatever. Look, if I’ve got glitter and you come and visit me, you have glitter too.
Oh, . I love it. I love it. We all have glitter. If you touch your cat, your cat now has glitter. It’s like a, it’s like a Oprah episode. And you get some glitter. You get some glitter. . No, this is the worst show ever on me. Oh, got it. So, so her sparkly eyes. I could like feel Steve’s asshole. Pickering , right? Uh uh.
No longer wanna give it. And pots can’t get it anymore. Maybe, maybe fifteen’s too much now. Yeah, I dunno. , so she’s sleeping in her van. Where’s Mark Hamel hanging out since they’re no longer buddy, buddy. Okay. So he lost his money even just to get food. When he finds out he, he has his Walt stolen, Dick Miller comes outta left field and saved the [00:47:00] fucking day.
And he’s like, I got this buddy. Or he like, flips a coin or something for it for the the guy. And it’s like, yeah, yeah, it’s my lucky $2 bid. I’ll pass it on to you. He pulls it like a 50 to the hotdog vendor and is like heads or tails, uh, to keep the 50. Or the kid gets the hotdog and the guy’s like, yeah, I’ll fucking take that bet.
Oh, he loses. And yeah, Dick Miller’s like, I can’t win for losing, come on, or I can’t lose for winning or something. He’s on a winning streak. And Mark Hamels like, are you driving back to la? And he is like, oh no, I’m, I’m getting on a plane head at home. I’m about to lose all of this . Yeah, he had like 18 grand and 18 hours.
I gotta get the fuck outta here. But here you gonna have this lucky $2 bill of mine. But yeah, he’s gotta go sleep in a U-Haul, so Yeah, . So, but, and the worst thing is he hands over the $2 bill. He says that’s what he started out with. Who goes to Vegas with just $2. That’s not a smart decision. The seventies.
In the seventies that could get you like, you know, sweet with like breakfast the next morning. I mean at the circus. Circus. Absolutely. . . Probably [00:48:00] later this week. I’m googling it. . Oh nope, it’s inflation. Three 50 . Yeah, it’s no longer two buck chuck. It’s like 2 75 or whatever, babe. They freeze their prices to a whole dollar for eggs.
Oh Jesus. He used to be dollar bill, but now he’s $2 bill. What’s up ? So it begged the question though, with these U-Haul. Because I thought it was really comical. Right. They’re unlocked, he gets in it. It’s just slowly, gracefully, just tips forward. Like , you know, like one of those, those Japanese, like water dipping birds.
You’re like, all right, cool. . Yeah. And, and my wife and I looked at each other and go, are there people sleeping in the rest of them? Because they’re all nose down, right? Yeah. I’m like, come on, like you had to see somebody do it. We’ve already assessed it. It didn’t nose down. It, it went back. When he got in it, the weight went to the back.
They were all tilted the same direction once he went in there. So I was like, no, no, no. His, his went back. Maybe I in the, in the scene. I mean, eventually it was down, but I admire how closely you [00:49:00] all were paying attention to this movie, Physics, because I did see the U-Haul. Yes. Physics. I did see him enter the U-Haul and that’s it, , they spent like 10 extra seconds showing the trailer tilt.
I think I looked away. Probably she made, she was already dozing off and she was checking her email. What’s on Reddit , you guys were talking about the size of the van with them inside, how it looks so much bigger when they actually show him in the U-Haul writing the note to his teacher. Okay. That definitely wasn’t inside that little six by eight U-haul.
What was on a sound stage or something? Yeah. Oh, okay. So yeah, the next one, he said it was a Dotson or whatever and he’s getting ready to go home. He’s gonna hitchhike his way back to LA and then this Hot B blonde chick pulls up in like a Cadillac or something like to pick him up. And he is like about to in.
I’m like, all right, this adventure is about to get a little interesting. But then along comes the Corvette, Hey, hey, that’s my car. And he like jumps outta that car immediately and goes around after it. And I’m just [00:50:00] wondering like. Well, let’s go back to the Blanche. What, like, what’s, what’s her story? What’s going on like, she just seemed like a nice girl.
I dunno, , that was way more believable than him chasing a Corvette doing 60 on foot. On foot. Yeah. Yeah. I’m amazed how well he kept up for it as long as he did to where it’s heading out on the outskirts into the desert. I’m, I’m not, it was a seventies Corvette. I’m not surprised he could keep up with it on the foot.
the, the most unbelievable part is in the first five steps of him chasing it. He’s hit by a car, right? Like he’s hit rolls over the hood. Yeah. And like keeps on running. I’m like, yeah, there’s no way you’re hobbling that fast. No, no. That’s parkour, man. He’s sa he’s just, oh, it’s James Bond logic. It makes him faster.
You lean into the fall. I love how the head, it makes him stronger. Yeah. I love how he’s in a city he’s never been before and he’s taken all these shortcuts and back roads. Like I know where I’m gonna go, I know where he’s going. I’m going this way and I’m gonna, Beat him. I can go here through the U-Haul.
Yeah, . I thought I was watching that Sunny and Philadelphia [00:51:00] episode where dude, they’re doing the badass videos. Like that’s what it felt. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like what are we doing , you know though, like where he gets hit by the car and keeps running. This was like the first scene where I really was like, these stunt guys are working hard.
Oh yeah. They’re not lighting a bunch of shit on fire if you pay attention. These stunt guys are earning their paycheck. This film. Yeah, there’s some really good driving. There’s some really good stunt work that like this movie almost doesn’t deserve, but it does because this is why we love these kinds of movies, guys that work way too hard.
It was still more budget than the original Gone in 60 seconds, but I’m gonna leave that where it is. We’ve talked about that before. . Ill say there’s one point later on in the movie where you can see. The roll bar, run up the A pillar of the Camaro, but it’s only for one scene where you can see it. That’s like the six point harness that he was wearing at the end.
But I was gonna save that till later. It’s like, where the hell back? Where’s all this? Saved here suddenly. What’s this all about? Look, look, I was willing to look, we’ll get to it, but I was willing to look past it cuz it’s been in a [00:52:00] chop shop for the last entire summer. Somebody could have put a six point harness in it at any point because that’s what they do with chop shots.
They add parts to the car. Yeah, yeah. at this particular one, it appears that they do, they just repaint them and sell ’em as high end vehicle. So it’s true. It streams that way. , it’s the shop truck. They take this core Coit and make it completely sex proof. Oh, that’s the Earl Shriver chop shop where I just paints it.
look there, go look. I want a Corvette, but I want one where when women look at it, their vaginas become the Sahara Desert. So you want a Corvette specifically, like three padlock, like plain, like I want the prostitutes on the boulevard to say, not for me. . Sweetie. Where’s that? Volkswagen? I’m sure you’re nice boy.
Go back to your mother. Yeah, so, so yeah, he’s chasing after the Corvette. He like cuts through [00:53:00] I, I don’t know. The Neon Sign Live? Yeah, the Neon Sign Museum. That’s like 10 miles outside of town . Oh my God. Do you know what I said when I saw this? I got, I actually got really excited. I sat up and I went, Mike Wolf from American Pickers would be flipping out right now.
Seeing all these, these signs. He’d be like, oh my God, I’m gonna come take all my money. So that, that’s a museum. If you guys ever read a chance to go to Las Vegas, that’s the Neon Sign Museum. Oh, I didn’t realize it is eight miles outside of town. Well, well they, by then, I think it was just where signs were , like, no, no, no.
Oh, no, no. It’s been something Was the neon Ensign junkyard? It’s, yeah, exactly. It’s been like a museum where it’s like Yeah. An empty lot. Where a guy like would take in all these signs and give them a good home. The way the Rabbit Museum in Los Angeles is a museum and definitely not just a gal who hoards rabbit stuff in her garage and charges people $2 a person to walk through it.
Yeah. And then it was like, oh shit. People actually miss Old Vegas. We’re gonna give you museum status. Yeah. Yeah. It’s [00:54:00] kinda like, uh, that junkyard at the beginning of the movie mm-hmm. , they went through and like, Hey, we can turn this into an automobile museum with just a little pain. If you had frozen elbow grease, if you had frozen that junkyard in time and reopened it today.
Car folks, how much would you guys pay to walk through that junkyard with those cars? $0. . I wouldn’t pay anything to walk through a junkyard. Now many, many yards. That one with all those cars, we get to go to Chaz’s Car Museum for free, right? or Daniel’s Backyard. Daniel’s Car Museum slash Mountain slash Nature Preserve.
That’s why you own a mountain. So I don’t, Izzy, I think that was what you would call a a a. What was that? A super fun fact. But in our side, what would it be? Tanya? Hot garbage. Hmm. I prefer fun facts. Super fun facts because they fun facts
And I know he’ll never listen to this, but it’s definitely not an interesting tidbit. Brandon . . [00:55:00] Here’s an interesting tidbit that you, Canadian, Canada. All right. So that night he’s back at his U-Haul writing letters to home and I’m like, oh, remember them days? Nope. So then not just letters to home, he stamp.
He was writing love letters to his shop teacher. Shop teacher. Yeah. They weren’t love letters. They were longing letters. They were postcards for someone who had no money. You afford the postcards and the postage. Yeah. For somebody who is not paying attention, how did Tanya know it was postcard? . . Yeah. Right.
Guys, all you need is like a what? Four by six piece of paper and a probably 3 cents stamp back then. Like it’s affordable. Oh yeah. Like a penny. Maybe he had that $2 bill goes along. He still has it, but he never broke it. Yeah, true. And he probably found enough change on the rip, like running around those back alley.
Chasing his car to be able to pay for a stamp. He was selling, uh, gazes at the $2 bill for two bits of [00:56:00] gand and, uh, . So, so anyway, that, uh, that van pulls up Vanessa, Vanessa , and, uh, and she comes out and he’s, he’s wrapped up in like a, a fucking packing blanket or something. Yeah, it’s one of the, it’s one of the moving blankets.
Yeah. And she is beat to shit. Yeah. This is where I was like, oh no, this movie’s about to take a dark turn down the other belly of Vegas. He’s gonna have to rough up some pimps and stuff. It’s gonna be great. They’re gonna have shoes with like fish in the heels. No ba Basically he is just like, oh, here, let’s.
Yeah, you can use the men’s room and get cleaned up in there. Cause the women’s room was locked in. I’m like, she just looks at him, is like, I like you. Shawl,
And then she is like, well he is sleeping at U-Haul. You can just sleep in the van with me. He’s not gonna do it until she’s like, there’s food in the fridge. Oh, yeah, yeah. In the fridge. And I’m like, sold, take me. And there’s like the fridge. Uh, what else? Oh yeah. And it’s a water bed [00:57:00] and mm-hmm. . And she’s just, Well, let’s, uh, why don’t you take them clothes out?
Let me see what you got. He’s like, well, you mean
I gonna sleep on the floor? I’m a good boy. Super awkward. It was so awkward. By the way, this is where I was like, Ooh, is this really gonna get weirdly progressive and have him be gay? Right. You know, a lot of thoughts cross my mind. . Yeah. That thought crossed my mind also is like, wait, did he graduate high school or was he like coming back in the summer?
This, this is a question that did not get answered till the end of the movie. Yeah. What grade is he in? Is he a, a junior? Is he a senior? Yeah. I mean, For fuck’s sake as far as we know he is a freshman then. Yeah. Cause you mentioned she graduated like a year before or something. Yeah, and Steve, when I was talking about it was like, well I was 17 when I graduated because if like where my birthday falls, like I turned 18, like two days later.
But like I was like the youngest in my class and it’s like he could be like the oldest in his class and he definitely looked at . I thought [00:58:00] they discussed that when they were in the band. When she first picked him up. He, he said that he’s a senior, I believe. I thought you said just graduated, but also is his conversation with the shop teacher when he has the drink with the shop teacher.
The shop teacher, if I recall correctly, talks about, you know, putting a good word in for him to do some work with automotive stuff since he’s graduating. I think we’re supposed to make some assumptions. He’s that senior prom, but there’s also junior prom, junior. Not every prom senior. I mean been invited to the prom as a freshman.
I don’t know. Plus he wasn’t, he didn’t go to his, he didn’t go to any, he didn’t, he showed up in his dirty clothes. . Yeah. He just showed up his dirty clothes from the whole movie. I’m sorry he didn’t go. He just showed up. That doesn’t make sense. Yeah, no, no. He wasn’t there for the party. He there for the, he went stag baby.
He went for a different party in the shop class. His date was waiting for him. Just not in the jet lady. And Red
ladies, if you want this kind of gentleman, you [00:59:00] just have to wear pure gasoline as a fragrance. Little Red Corvette lady much too fast. Uh, so yeah, speaking of going too fast. Yeah. Annie Putts is putting it down and Oh, I mean, I of kept her warm. I don’t know. She was open for business. Yeah. Mm-hmm. . Um, but then she’s like starting to realize like how awkward he is.
Like, wait a minute, oh my God, it’s a real Anna, I’m gonna be here first. Oh, he’s like, what? No, I’m just gonna jerk off here in the corner and go to bed. I actually already came, so I gotta go . What I was waiting for, I was waiting for like sit there and she’s like rubbing his shoulders or something, all of a sudden is like lotion shot.
I’m, what was that? Um, nothing. Look over there. He like runs out. No, it would’ve been like behind the green door to like Powow. Powow. You had the slow motion. 76 photography. , fucking 6 million. Man. It definitely wouldn’t have been blood splatter on the [01:00:00] ceiling. In the van. Yeah. ? No, that one. She’s like, no, not on the.
Wow, that’ll never come out . So I just had that recover. So a couple things I appreciate like, this is a good point, a good awkward point. She keeps that van super clean. Yes. The whole movie. She’s very good at that. And I kind of appreciate how he always looks sweaty and greasy. Like he hasn’t showered and he’s been like running around and driving a car.
The whole movie. They’re very consistent on that. And movies often will keep our lead who’s in this kinda situations like too clean. So I appreciate that. I appreciate that. He looked like he’d been driving for 300 miles. Okay. I, in a 1970s car, I, I think that was just normal. Mark Hamel. Yeah. I think that’s just, That’s his, his normal state.
Yeah. But he didn’t clean him up and make him look like Brad Pitt. You know? They’re like, yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. He’s sweaty. That’s why he looks that way. Don’t worry about it. I mean, he looks sweaty in Star Wars all the time too. It’s just like, all right, whatever. He’s glistening. Well, he’s on a desert planet most of the time.
Or a swamp [01:01:00] planet. I hate. Or a forest planet or an ice planet. Yeah, or an ice planet. That’s the only time he didn’t look sweaty. He still looked kind of sweaty in that cave though, because he got, cause he got mauled by a creature shirt. I would be too. Ah, that’s a fucking ice bag. and shit. When, when did Annie pots.
Become Blue Skywalker. I’m fucking tired. They’re the same person. So remember at the beginning I said, you have to suspend disbelief in this movie, which I don’t feel like you really have to, but I’m still puzzled in how she got so clean just using the men’s room. So Izzy or Tanya, can you explain to me how one might shower in a, in a U-Haul men’s room.
All right. Please tell him about a horse bath. Go . Tanya, would you like to go first or shall I do the ? Please. Please. Now you’ll see she brought her own towels. Yeah. And there is a basin of water in every room, usually too, in every bathroom in which you can retrieve fresh water to wipe yourself down. [01:02:00] She had like a shower caddy bucket with her too, I thought.
Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. She had, she had everything, like, she had like a box of wet wipes, I swear. Ah, all right. See, I thought of, I thought of one angle. They, they showed like a shower in that men’s room. But the weird thing is I can’t imagine that small of a building actually having a full like bathroom, like a truck stop type bathroom that had a shower in it.
I’m amazed they had a sink. It was not a Bucky’s. Have you guys like never been in the like weird mechanics bathroom? That’s. Like a shower head just hanging out of the wall, a toilet and a sink and there’s nothing else. And a drain in the middle of the floor, right? Yeah. And the drain in the middle of the floor.
Yeah, it’s like the half bath. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Drain in the middle of the floor. In case you don’t even wanna use the toilet or the sink or the shower? No, no. Just to clean up shower. Oh, oh, oh. I thought it was like, oh yeah, you can use the toilet. Also be over here. We got Caesar triples. Oh shit. All right.
Well, my bad , my, my apologies to that, uh, shady ass u-haul place in the outskirts of Vegas. By the way. You’re too tall for a bottom drain. You know you’re a sink man. [01:03:00] I can hit from across the room
One thing I have to say, cause that’s, that’s some around the time when they first let it be known about the, uh, waterbed in the van and I just have to say if it wasn’t pro, an actual waterbed in there, whatever they did for the suspension in that van was great cuz it wasn’t sagging at all. And a waterbed in there, that thing would’ve been dragging the bumper.
That van is primo. Yes. I always And they have the Gabriel Shocks in the mag wheels. Oh yeah. little four inch. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s ready to go. Mm-hmm. . So I, I almost, I almost want Van Nessa more than I want the 18 van and I want the 18 van, something fierce. So, you know, this is, this is, this is high caliber stuff right here.
Well, the 18 van comes with its own music too.
you know what sells me? You know what sells me though in the 18 band is the spoiler. See if Vanessa didn’t have a spoiler. But if she had had the 1980s Boomerang TV antenna on the back, boom. That is killer. So you’re one of those [01:04:00] speed over class guys. I get it. Yeah. Look, Vanessa is still in the seventies.
She still has time to age into her antenna. Ah, that’s true. That’s very true. also, have you seen Super Fan? I have not. But now that you’ve mentioned it for the 10th time, I have to drink again and I will promise you I’ll watch it. drink every time. Steven. Izzy, bring up an obscure movie. You Will Die. Oh, die.
You’ll Die. And you said there were two of this movie, if I recall correctly? Yeah, I think it’s, I think it like was just called like Superman too. Let me check the Google there. Oh Lord. We’re the original one’s from 77 according to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s the one. Oh, we also find out, uh, around this time, uh, her Vanessa’s real name is Eleanor and I have written down, gone In 60 Seconds.
Hug Hacks. Wait, no. Um, , I agree. But then, uh, Skywalker Dam, uh, Kenny, Kenny, he, uh, sees the Corvette again and he is like, oh my God, that’s a car. And he goes chasing after it. And uh, and she like pulls up alongside and he is like, he has a lift and he like jumps in the side of a [01:05:00] moving van going 15, 20 miles aren’t like full sprint.
And I’m like, okay, well that’s, that’s a pretty cool little stunt. I’m not gonna lie, you know. And they go driving off with the fan door wide open and she stops at a red light because it’s a red light. And there’s like four cops waiting right there, . He’s like, no, no, you gotta go get, yeah, chase that car. We gotta go get it.
She’s like, I’m not gonna fucking chase it. There’s a cop right there. Cap. Cap. So . Well, the big thing, you were talking earlier about like the stump people in that scene where it shows the individual jumping in, you can see the door kicks, like catches him right in the middle of his spine as he Yeah. Yeah.
And he check, he body checked the other side of the van too. I was like,
Oh, I hope, I hope that wasn’t what happened to Mark Hamel and they just said it was a car accident. , he dives face first. Oh, GE. No, mark. So the four county Mounties or Dudley Dow rights that are standing on the corner. Right? I mean, like, these guys are clowns. I was like, . Yeah, I know. Flirting that shit that they’re talking to.
I was [01:06:00] say n h p loves, uh, out-of-state plates. They should be all over this shit. Okay, so I gotta ask, was there a significance to the license plate or is she just like, rain Man? I’m like, I don’t understand. No, so, so it shows that she’s paying attention to something he’s interested in. Ah, but also, yeah, she represents So she’s smarter than we’re like, let on to believe she’s not just a ditzy dumb girl.
She’s a high school graduate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they run the plates and it’s got fake plates. Oh. Oh my God. The mastermind organization is this. So, so it’s, we’ll never find professional job and the place could give a rat’s ass . Yeah. They’re like, yeah, yeah, yeah. We got a whole team working on it.
We’re working in chips. Having had my car stolen several times. Same car. This is how the police ca, they’re like, yeah, you’re fucked. Good for you. So was this her second wardrobe change at this point where she changed her style again or does that happen after this? I think it’s just after this when she’s making those wonderful sunny D screwdrivers.
Yeah. Yeah. And man, that took me back, I’m [01:07:00] not gonna lie. We’ve all been there. What, what was her, what was her occupation at this point? In the movie? Uh, beautician, I think at this point. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, she was a beautician. Okay, okay. So she changed her hair again, right? So she had the Yeah, and that’s right.
And she has the little beautician’s coat on. Correct. And then she’s got, I couldn’t tell Were they gray or were they green highlights in her hair. She said frosted tips, but yeah, they’re like gray. Right. They were like the grayish purple That’s trendy now. . Yeah. So it was like sort of hot foreshadowing.
I’m like, oh, now I get to see what you look like. Old. This is kind of cool. Yeah. That’s what she looks like in young Sheldon nowadays. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It actually, I thought it looked good. She looked really put together. I think that’s the best. She looked in the movie outside of like her natural scenes.
But in terms of outfit, I was. Girl, you got it going on. I’m like, I’m digging all this. The big curls and the, the frosted tips and everything we’re root for her to be a beautician. I’ll take the shampoo and rinse. Thank you. And that lasted all of one scene. . . Yeah. So then, okay, so she’s doing the SunnyD [01:08:00] screwdrivers and Mark Campbells was like, explain the sunny D screwdrivers.
Uh, vodka, sunny. Taking one shot of each and mix them in your mouth and swallowing. She’s, yeah, she, she’s taking a hit off each bottle while laying in bed. What, meanwhile what Mark Camel’s like, oh my God, I’m never gonna see that car again. I might as well just kill myself. Ha. And she’s like, what? Shut up about the cock.
Come have some screwdrivers with me. You sound like you can use a little lube and up. Yeah. Well, I love how her, uh, her justification for doing that is she had to build up her tolerance for it so she didn’t pass out on a John. It’s impression time. It’s impression time. Folks. one of the ultimate quotes from this movie.
You know what? A girl can’t hold her liquor with her trick. Where does she end up asleep with her trick? ? It’s like, what? Asleep on her trick. Hey, shes. Thinking it through. Yeah. Right. Ah, she, she knows the concept. You don’t pay the hooker to stay, you pay the hooker to leave. Oh my [01:09:00] goodness. Look, modern problems require modern solutions.
Mel Mans what I’m talking about. Look at him. He’s he’s laughing
to leave. I love it.
So anyway, um, then. Okay. So yeah. Mark’s having a, having a downtime, whatever. Mm-hmm. and then she, so she decides she should also have a downtime. Yeah. She starts disrobing out of focus behind him and I’m like, um, I know where my focus is. Cameraman. You need to adjust accordingly. What is this the cameraman from?
All I will say, there was some nice silhouette. That’s all I’ll say. It’s true. . Yeah. We get a little, little outta focus, nudity, and then, uh, Mark Campbell says, oh, what the hell? And like, ravage kisses her, like assaulting Lee, like tackling her on the bed. What the hell was that? Oh God. It was like urkel in a watermelon or something.
Like, I don’t even how to describe how awkward that scene was. It was just like, oh, [01:10:00] take it to account prior to this supposed to kiss. Right Prior to this, I think the only woman he’d ever kissed was his mother. So that’s the only experience he had. Oh God. Kiss me like your mother. Aw, yeah. Stop it. If you ever want kissed again, stop saying that shit.
Kiss me like Markel kisses his mother.
Is that right mommy? Yeah, that’s . All right, so then, yeah, she’s like, yeah, let’s screw, and he is like, yeah, sure, whatever, . I’m like, wait, what? Oh, she shows him like the $2 bill that she gave him as his first, first customer, and it’s like framed on the wall in the van. She’s like, you haven’t even noticed it.
They haven’t noticed my new decor. So they kiss again and then go straight to pound town, boom. And then we cut to, I, I’m assuming 45 seconds later. Mm-hmm. . And he’s like, he’s like, oh my god, my God. I finished working on and I rebuilt whole, I don’t even know, [01:11:00] carburetor like age six here. And I waited this long to get laid , and then he pops out the top of the van.
He is like, no.
I’m just amazed by the fact that it had a sunroof. All the way at the back of Bomb. More in the water bed. . Right. Vanessa is awesome. That’s all I’m gonna gonna say, Vanessa, these are features, these are not drawbacks. You’re not, you’re not gonna sweet. She’s the real star of the movie. Vanessa’s the hottest one in the movie and that’s saying something.
Absolutely. Any pots is in her prime. and Mark Campbell’s mom. Anyway, , uh oh. Oh, speaking of which, this is when the teacher goes to see the mom and be like, yeah. Meanwhile back in Los Angeles. Yeah. Meanwhile at the trailer park. Hey, uh, have you seen your son or heard from him in the past couple months? Like, oh no, he’ll find his way back.
But I’m gonna, I’m packing up cause I’m moving til Del Mar and even the teacher’s like, You’re moving to Delmar and you don’t know where your son is. I know he’s in Vegas. Well rid out. He’s got a great life [01:12:00] going. I met this boyfriend, Delmar’s gonna be great. We’re gonna be like an hour outside the city.
Right on the coast. They’re not allowed to build anything over. Two stories tall, man. It’s, we’ll never lose up. You awesome . Okay, then we get some more Mark Kenny or whatever, writing letters back home or whatever. Dear shop teacher. Yeah. Dear shop teacher. I never thought it would happen to me. . Yeah, right.
But here’s a line that had me a little confused. Don’t worry. I still like cars. I’m like, I’m going steady with this girl and she’s great. Don’t worry. I still like cars and I’m like, uh, that’s how into cars he. Babe . I mean, I, I, I empathize. I get it. I totally understand. I think all, all the car people are now church nodding.
We’re like, yep, yep. Yeah, yeah. They’re like, yeah, be up. Let me, even after knowing the loving touch of a woman, I still enjoy cars. Not as much, don’t get me wrong. But Steve, let me put this in Steve terms for you. Did you still like basketball after the first time you got laid? No ma’am. But did you like being laid or did you like basketball?
Yes. Yeah,[01:13:00]
I mean, if it’s any consolation, my wife says all the time, you don’t have to worry cuz his mistress lives in the garage. So I’m like, Hey, there you go. Right.
Well, the Covet gets repainted during this whole drama. Ooh, that’s right. Oh no. Oh, the Covet has an outfit change. Is this when he starts working at the car wash? Yeah. Uh, I think he’s still at where? The gas station where he tries to screw over that woman. Oh, that was weird too. Well, that was before he hopped in the van, when he was working at the gas station where he was sleeping in the U-Haul behind it.
He was, uh, painting the dead batteries with fresh paint. Oh yes, yes, that’s right. He, uh, the, the guy who owns the U-Haul rental slash gas station place hires him cuz he likes the cut of his Jeb. Oh, that’s right. Cause So Annie Potts kicks him out of the van the next morning, right? Oh no, that’s when he, yeah.
Is this one he’s wearing like the suit and is clicks up? Oh, not yet Stingray. Yeah. Yeah, he’s like a valet or whatever, and the [01:14:00] guy’s like, Hey, that’s my car. Good as, oh yeah, here you go, sir. You know, this the, be the other beautiful blonde. Yeah. And then, and then, uh, That’s right. He goes back to the van and there’s like the note that’s like working late, blah, blah, blah.
And he is like, what? Oh, but you’re working late. He goes, cruise Boulevard goes and he goes to the escort service and they’re like, yeah, I never heard of her. And then he is, goes to get some, you know, I don’t know, burgers to fill that void in his soul. Mm-hmm. and like, Kenny, is that you? What is that? My van?
I told you I was working late. I told you I was gonna be right back. How am I supposed to find the goddamn fan if you’re driving it all over town? is the conversation that should have happened, but instead she’s like, no, see, every car in town comes through this place, so I’m helping you look for the car.
See, everybody wants a smiley bag. I think it was great when he was trying to find her before he found her at the burger place and he goes into the cathouse and he walks up and like Yanks the one woman around thinking it was her. He’s like, oh wait, it’s not you , you got some nerve. And I’m like, that’s the wrong wig, homie.
Yeah, . [01:15:00] And then I think after, that’s when, yeah, he is like working at the carwash or whatever. Forget at the car wash. Yeah. When wet comes through. But a gold version of his car. Wait a minute.
And then if we find out, it’s driven by Brian James, legendary. I don’t know that guy from action movies in the eighties. Uh, you might know him best as, uh, the guy with the funny accent in, uh, tango and Cash. Yeah. That ends up, uh, with a grenade in his pants. Spoiler alert. . See, you went that way with that scene and when that car came out, I went, oh man.
When, just when you thought that car couldn’t get
it was, yeah, it was almost mustard. Look, only the Rockford car looks good in seventies gold. That’s true. I give you that. I give you that beacon of Rockford. We got another chase where, uh, Brian James is driving off from the Stingray [01:16:00] and Mark Hamels chasing him on a bike. And I’m like, good luck sucker. Oh, he gets hit by a bicyclist.
And steals the bicyclist. He jumps, he jumps the bicyclist to jack him. Jacked. Sounds like an old school. 10 speed Huffy. It was a Schwinn, but I gotta ask this. See, this is my attention to detail. Why did we hyper focus on that water bottle attached to the bike handles for like 30 seconds? I’m like, what are we looking at?
It was like a slow pan up as, and then it like shows his sweaty ass face and I’m like, there’s a water bottle right there. I was expected to like take a swig, like, oh, it’s vodka or you know, something like that. ? Yeah. Oh, Steve like straight up was like, uh, yeah. We know he’s got a water bottle, otherwise he’d die in Vegas.
again, I assumed we were going for the badass videos from Sunny and Philadelphia, but we ended up with basically the Goonies scene where his hanging onto the cars going down the highway. I’m like, what the hell? Were like the back to future music. Just started playing. Gotta go back in time. . [01:17:00] The thing about this scene that baffled me is how when he catches up to the car, reaches and grabs the guy’s shoulder and he goes to like close the, his hand in the window.
So he reaches down to open it and the door swings open. How the door did not make contact with the parked vehicle as they went by. It just baffles me. Yeah, right. That baffled you, dude. He was. 60 miles an hour when he let go of that bus and caught the Corvette. I mean, how the hell did he slow down enough to grab the car without killing himself?
It was nuts. Guys. That’s the magic of filmmaking. That’s, you know what, again, this is some like really good stunt work that’s gonna go completely unappreciated by the basses. Yes. Yeah. So, so the scene Sangre peels off cuz obviously that guy ain’t stopping shit. Then he pulls into the, uh, garage or whatever and he is like, Hey, this looking, this slimy, this oily teenage kid tried to jack me.
He was on a bike, he’s dressing yellow and it’s some weird shit. And then it comes the guy, you know, on the back of like a, like a, like a a It’s a car carrier. Car [01:18:00] hauler, yeah, yeah, yeah. Car carrier. And he just comes in full speed. Yeah. Goes right past them and like crashes into a bunch of tires. . That was beautiful.
I was, and my wife goes, what? The bike doesn’t have brakes. Yeah. . He burned him UpTop before the parked car. Yeah. , right? Most realistic part of the movie, . It was beautiful. So yeah, so they rough him up in, uh, lock him in a closet or something. Uh, a little storage closet, I guess like that night or whatever.
There’s like one guy watching, he is like trying to open the padlock door. He is like, yeah, yeah. It’s so way. You’re getting out of there. Oh shit. . And he like goes to check it and the windows cracks. Like, oh shit. He went out the window and goes out chasing him. And then out comes Kenny out of a full oil drum just covered in oil.
And I’m like, well, he’s dead. Right? No . Do you remember that black tar monster in Star Trek? The Next Generation? Yeah. That’s where my mind went when he emerged. The one that killed Tasha Ya. Exactly. Exactly. [01:19:00] And then even when it’s like dripped off a bit, it’s like, oh, now he’s Tar Man from, uh, return of the Living Dead or whatever.
But the scene after, that’s even better. Like, oh yeah. So yeah, so he, he like crawls out the drummer or whatever, and the, the guy who was like, goes out the other side of the window and he realizes, oh shit, there’s no way he got out there. That’s like a free story drop. And so then he sees the, uh, oily, like footprints leaning down the street or whatever.
So he like grabs the nearest chain and goes following the footsteps. Cause either he’s walking to a trapper, this is the stupidest thing in the history of crime. It can be both. And uh, yeah, basically like chases him down, beats his ass a couple of times on the side of the street. And while Kenny’s like in the fetal position, luckily who would pull up to save the day?
Dick Miller? No, the other guy. The Lowrider guide that he saw that was going 15 miles an hour earlier in the movie. Good. They just made it to Vegas. They just made it like three weeks later. . Woo. He’s already had four jobs in in the time it took him [01:20:00] to get there. I, I’m just amazed the fact that he could recognize him covered in the oil.
Oh, there’s some kid that I you ran to a week ago, but he saw Car Normal. Yeah, I know him. Honestly. I think they just pulled up like, oh, that guy’s beating the shit outta that guy. And then the one guy runs off and then he like turns over like, oh, hey, I know this Cracker , you know, . Subsequently, the scene after that I thought was glorious.
Right. He’s still in the fetal position. Oh yeah. Oh, the scene is amazing for a while and Annie Pots is sitting there with a pressure washer, just , just, I didn’t even know what to think. I was just like, this is awesome. So great. Yeah, she’s like spraying him down like, I can’t believe you did that. Why would you be so stupid?
Blah blah. Oh, sorry. Hold on. On switch to, Okay, now we’re back to one. I’m spraying you down and I’ll say this, she’s actually spraying, she actually went across his face and stuff and All right, I can firsthand say a pressure washer does not feel good to bear skin. Wait, wait a minute. You can, firsthand, you have firsthand [01:21:00] accounts and be pressure washer.
Yeah, he was the one spraying the person in the face. Wait, is that second? I don’t know. . That’s what Daniel has to do when they run outta water on the mountain. Gotta make with what you got. Oh. After he gets all cleaned up, Y’s gotta go to the police department, be like, Hey, I know where my car was, at least, you know, several hours ago.
And Oh yeah, by the way, kidnapping and all that stuff. Yeah, don’t worry about that. Assault and stuff. I did too. Don’t, uh, they were doing the assaulting, um, , but then, uh, he runs into his teacher who’s apparently in town now, and I’m like, Oh boy, I know where this is going. teacher, uh, takes him for a drive and, uh, he’s like, oh, yeah, I, I can take you to the shop.
He’s like, oh yeah, I know the shop. I know the guy who runs it too. He was an old student of mine. And I’m like, oh, here we go. And this is where Izzy pointed out something incredible about this movie. Mm-hmm. solo, a Star Wars film or whatever. It’s basically the same plot of [01:22:00] this movie. It’s a future version of this movie, you know?
Right. , wow. My brain is officially melted. Like you replace Annie Potts with, you know, ksi whatever. She was playing in that thing like, oh yeah. She didn’t become a hooker. She just became the comfort girl of the local drug. Lord, wait a minute. and the bad guy that we discover, the guy running this chop shop, auto body, you know, whatever we want to call it, kind of looks like Darth Mall.
Anyway, he’s got a scary, scary look to him, you know? Yeah, yeah. Just, you know, pre legs chasing after a vehicle that’s not his. So what I thought was interesting about that scene with Mr. McGrath played by, you know, Mr. Roche, as we talked about earlier, he’s driving around Vegas and I’ve, I’ve been to Vegas, a bunch of us just there recently, as a matter of fact, and I pinpointed the Mandalay Bay in the background when they finally park and they get out of the square body Chevy that they were driving around in.
I’m sure Dan was super excited about, they could tell us all about, you know, the specific model and customizations and whatnot. But yeah, I spotted the Mandalay Bay and I was like, wow, this is [01:23:00] all super developed today. I mean, you know, the Luxor wasn’t there and some of the other casinos that are there now.
And then it suddenly dawned on me and I, I turned to my wife and I said, when’s Ken Jong gonna pop out? She goes, what whatcha talking about? I was like, big abandoned lot in Las Vegas. There’s gotta be a naked Asian man running by any minute now.
spoiler. This movie’s very honky heavy.
But yeah, so they’re basically where the airport is now like, but it’s, you know, 10 miles from the strip or whatever. The teachers basically breaking down like, yeah, I sold this car to this old student of mine. Yeah. Oh yeah. What? Wait, I only. 15 grand a year or something as a future. What’s the name of? Of the auto shop?
Oh, uh, Silverado Auto Shop. And I’m like, and what was he driving? He was driving a Chevy Silverado. I’m like, dude, you know you’re in a Silverado. It’s called like he probably owns that chop shop. Run , you die. Luke use the force. But yeah. Yeah. This is where he is playing. Like I only make 15 grand a gear. I can’t get by on that.
And this guy like the [01:24:00] proposition. Oh, I made 15 grand a year before . Oh. But wait, I’m gonna turn to our executive co-producer for our fact checking on 1970s inflation, which you care to share some super fun facts with the crowd. Time. 3 million nowadays. Interesting tidbits. Am I supposed to do research? No, it’s in my notes.
I figured you’d read it. Oh, no, I, sorry. Eric did the research for you, much like the movie. I’m not paying attention to these details. , , you have the notes printed out right there. Yeah, I, I got the notes. Uh, basically 15 grand back then comes to 62,400 in 2020, which is not very slouch. That’s, that’s a lot more than a teacher actually makes these days.
Yeah, right. Teachers still make like $15,000 a year. message. Then Luke ends up, well, Luke, Kenny, or Kent, right? Kenneth, whatever his name was. He ends up getting a job right by way of his shop teacher at the Silverado Body Shop, right. And they offer him a whopping like 700 a week and it, he like, no, you gotta pay me [01:25:00] eight 50 a week.
Which basically nowadays, Is 180 plus thousand dollars a year. I’d like to make eight 50 a week now. Yeah. free. Sweet bonkers. Right. This leads into my favorite part of the movie because he goes from Kenny Danley to full on Tony Mont, Montana. Yeah. He shows up with the big sunglasses, taking his prostitute, you no girlfriend out to go, you know, get all the fancy things that she could never afford before, and he’s just sitting there chilling.
This led to a completely new movie that lasted approximately 15 to 20 minutes before we came back to the movie. We ended watching for an hour and a half watch Scar, hoping, started watching his. Right. Real quick to go back, one thing that we missed is how he was walking, trying to find, and he walks up on that second gen Camaro outside of the chop shop and the guy’s standing on the other side of it and he’s, Hey, I’m looking for this car.
And the whole time the Corvette is sitting right inside the open door just outta sight, right? Yeah. Was way You can see the car sitting [01:26:00] there and I’m like, you don’t look back at all? No. What the hell? I mean, if we’re talking about things that we missed, we missed. Yet another Annie Pot’s wardrobe change somewhere in this whole mess with the teacher and the guy discovering the Silverado Body Shop.
Does anybody remember the little black dress? Oh, oh yes. Her Bond girl outfit. That wasn’t until later though. That wasn’t until he became full on Jerk. That was after. Well, perfect. Well then we lead up to it, and since we’re talking about it, I’ve already brought it up now, I immediately went to BB New Earth.
I was like, she looks like Lilith. It looked like it was Breakfast at Tiffany’s all of a sudden. Yes, right. Awesome. They both looked amazing, actually. He looked really. In that outfit. Like those square glasses really work for him. Like he was playing it up that room. However, they ended up in little honeymoon suite.
Oh, rotating bed. Put it in a quarter. Yeah. A little clamshell. Headboard stuff. Look, they still haven’t left the circus. Circus, okay. Yeah. He’s still mad about the Dodge. They just got an upgrade. . Yeah. Right. So guys, here, [01:27:00] here’s where the scene goes. Completely fucking nuts. . He’s like, oh, yeah, yeah. Took your shopping all day.
Got this nice fancy suite. I got this job. We’re gonna be set forever. What about you, KA? Uh, yeah. You know, I’m, I’m, I’m okay without my morals. Uh, here, I’ll even offer you $20. And I’m like, wait. Oh no. Kitty and then he take another 50. I’m like, oh, bury yourself. No, dude, this one’s on the full. Oh, Tony Montana.
Yeah. They’re both being weird in the same cuz like he’s being a straight up jerk. But this is a movie trope that like doesn’t exist in real life and it’s like, oh man, I’m so mad at you about being crazy about chasing this one car. Move on. Oh my God, you’ve moved on cuz you’ve got a job where you seem very happy and make more money than all in a week than all I ever see in my lifetime.
You’ve changed, you realize how many dicks I’ll have to suck to get eight 50 a week . I will never have to. That’s a different kind of [01:28:00] screwdriver. Yeah. Right. Which one are you a Sonny Dude? Can I just say Annie pots was ama was. She was amazing in this movie, but I did not, I don’t feel that they, like her and Mark Hamel had any chemistry.
It was unbelievable whatsoever. Yeah. It was cringeworthy uncomfortable to watch them try and act together. I, if Annie Pots wasn’t Annie Pots, it would’ve been much worse than it actually was. See, so you guys, you guys wanted her to run off with the porn director?
dude, how weird was that? Was on a porn movie. It was a short . Yeah. You all said that the, the bond outfit. I thought you were talking about the scuba gear. I thought that was the bond outfit. . I thought it was Octopussy. That’s what he thought it was. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. So, so the next day, uh, Kenny’s at work and Vanessa gets pulled up and he is like, Hey, hey, you stole this van.
What the fuck? Your car thief? What the fuck you talking about? Look, it’s, they, I got a good deal on it this [01:29:00] morning. She sold Vanessa, she sold the place where we live, right? . I can’t live at the honeymoon suite of Circus Circus. I mean, that’s like $12 a night. That was a one night. Does she not know that we have to pass like a background check and get a rental, which first and last month’s payment done before we can get a place she can’t come.
Security deposits, . Oh no, he didn’t get that 850 bucks in advance so they can like buy a house now. Oh, it’s true. That’s true. Anna, did anybody else think that the boss or the the other student, what was his name? Matt Lowry. Whatever, Matt Lauer, whatever. To me, he looked like a cheaper version of Willem Defoe.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that too. Also, guys, I thought they were gonna kill Kenny thought when he went, they’re like, yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah. And then just one day at work, someone’s gonna like choke him with a chain from behind or something. Please drop a car on him. Yeah. They work accident. When they crushed the Corvette, they drop it.
So did anybody look up Kim Milford’s imdb profile, his headshot? [01:30:00] So the character in the, in the show is Wayne Lowry. He’s the the guy that Brad was talking about. But did anybody look at his headshot? No. It’s very interesting. I mean, he’s creepy looking. Pull it up, pulling it. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, yes.
I remember. No, I had seen that. Yeah. I was like, what the f ? It. Actually, he almost looks better that way than he did in the movie. Oof. Well, what movie was that? Oh, kid. Oh, oh. He is like in a zombie makeup or something with a blonde bowl haircut. Yeah. Whatever role that was. He must take pride in if he’s using that.
Oh man. He passed away at the age of 37 and he, I’m gonna guess it’s from this laser blast movie based on the image purpose. Oh yeah. See these are more movies you get to add to your fun list of things to review. I, I’m looking up Laser blast now. Thank you for this rabbit hole. 2.7 on the Im Dima Sold.
Wait, who’s the director? Is it uh, one of those David De Kato movies or something? Oh, sorry guys. There’s like some dinosaur looking aliens. Michael Ray. Oh, coming next week? No, uh, if you like this, you might like Z Future. [01:31:00] Oh, future. Oh my. So if you guys like these off the wall movies, it’s kind of how, I don’t know how I stumbled across this one and sent it to Eric initially, but in my random running through the internet, I find weird shit.
Mm-hmm. it just by chain orientation movies. . It was weird cause like this one, it was like someone had a DVD of it for sale. I looked it up and I sent the link there. I was like, Hey, are you aware of this movie ? No. But thank you for bringing this into my life. I’m surprised it was a DVD and not a VHS or beta.
Yeah, laser beta, laser disc , laser disc or die. So this is, where are we back in the movie? Where are we quiet That summer? Yeah. Yeah. The van got sold. So Kenny’s like, I gotta go talk to Eleanor or whatever her name is Annie Pots. And so he like runs to a casino and sees that, uh, she’s, she’s working and she’s in like her James Bond girl outfit.
Just like, yeah, that’s Roslyn Black dress. Hair slick, looking good. And he like walks up to her like, oh, this is where you’ve been. She’s like, excuse me, do I know you? Like the voice even changed a bit. And I’m like, oh, [01:32:00] oh, oh, here we go, . All right, I’m interested. Basically they take a walk and she’s like, I don’t even remember the reason why they broke up.
Just like, oh, you’re not obsessed with this car anymore. You’re not the same person and you’ve changed, and if you’re allowed to get a career, then I’m allowed to get a career. It’s a free country. And then the guy that I guess is, I don’t know, renting her or whatever, but he is like, oh hey, who’s this guy?
Like, oh, this is, this is my, my cousin Homa. Bye Homa. Well, hey cousin Homer, you wanna come to a party later? It’s gonna get really wild with your cousin here. And I’m like, oh, oh. And he’s like, I’ll make it worth your while. Yeah. Yeah. It was very like, oh boy, this is gonna get weird. Oh, indecent proposal.
Right. And so like you mentioned like Annie Pott’s name had changed again cuz there she went by a couple different names throughout the movie. Oh yeah, yeah. Other than that, at this point she went from, cuz originally it went from prostitute to Hooker to now, cuz at one point, shortly before this, she was talking to Mark Ham’s character and was like, I’m not gonna make it as a hooker here.
I have to be an escort. So now she’s made her way up to the tier of considering herself an [01:33:00] escort before she winds out with this older gentleman at the casino. Yeah. So many career paths and she, she said that there aren’t any hookers in, in Vegas. There aren’t any. They’re escorts in Vegas. They’re all escorts.
That’s why I was going wrong. I’m gonna change my name. I think that make the name Rosalyn. And didn’t she say something about denim was the wrong way to go too? Yeah, she Did you have a pick up? A girl in denim? Yeah. It’s always gonna be a problem. I need to get myself a little black number and one of those little ribbon choke.
That’s the reason they call it a wife beta. And she goes and gets her little velvet number and gets her choker. She is a woman who gets things done. That’s right. I agree. She’s too good for Mark Hamel there. I said it right. So yeah. Then Mark Hamel goes to work and uh, he’s working angry, just beating the shit out of Fenders or something.
Yeah. And and then he is like welding two lis together. I don’t know. Yeah, yeah. He was fixings road kill style. It was like, it was a mess. I dunno what the hell he was doing. And, and I know Dan was critique all the welds at that point. I literally thought that’s myself. Even [01:34:00] I was like, I dunno what the hell he is doing.
But he ain’t welding. No. All I can say is he’s, he’s not very strong because him beating on that fender and it wasn’t hardly den it with the size of the hammer he was using. Yeah. Utterly weak. Look, he’s four and a half feet tall. Give him some credit. It was that seventies. Domestic steel. That’s true. Yeah.
It’s like a ba he weigh was 97 pounds. Come on. He wasn’t using the force . So yeah, that night, like the owner of the place is like, Hey, come on, it’s beer o’clock, let’s go. And he is just working away like, all right, well just lock up when you’re done. And like as soon as they leave he looks at his, uh, the stingray, which is still gold, and he has an idea and then he paints it and it’s red again and holy shit, it’s gonna be great.
I was thinking like, all right, cool. He opens the front of the garage, drives off. Roll credits, guys. What do we, Nope. Instead he waits till the next morning for, uh, Brian James and the other big henchman mechanic dude to open up. And then he tries to fight him and they’re like, oh, what are you doing? And he hits one of ’em a plastic fender.
Yeah. And then like it was a bumper [01:35:00] cover, I think. Yeah. And then he, he throws the tiniest wrenches. I’m like, come on, it’s a mechanic shop. There’s some big ass sledgehammers and wrenches. Paint up. Nope. Here’s my 10 millimeter. If you could dodge wrench, you can dodge the ball. Mo . But then he grabs that paint gun.
Yeah. Blast the guy in the face. And I’m like, the fuck, he’s dead. Dude, I cracked up. That’s 1970s candy. Apple red. You could see he died. Could the, in his eyes popped up, blacker paint in the eyes, the amount of metal flake that wound up in his freaking, like in his nostrils, in the lung, in his eyeball, his tear.
Metal flake is just pink glitter . Oh no, he’s gonna, he’ll never get it out. He’s gonna glitter all over himself now. He’s gonna sparkle like a vampire. Ah, it was an improvement for his face. Good point. But yeah, so yeah, then he hops in the stingray and drives off and then, uh, he goes to the hotel where he knows, uh, and he pots is doing her thing, finds out where the room is.
I forget how exactly, but he basically, because he got invited up earlier. Oh, that’s [01:36:00] right. He got like the room key or something and he like kicks it open and they’re filming some sort of weird porno thing where she’s in like one of those, you know, the room hot tubs and she has flippers on like a one gear bikini who are the senior citizens recording this.
Oh, it was the, it was the sound guy and the ca it was the sound lady and the camera guy. That makes me wonder, like if the whole scenario was, I dunno if you guys have seen Rat Race where they, he is like in a tub with Pepto-Bismol Act type stuff. That’s what I portrayed when I saw that scene of her in the tub with the scuba gear on type stuff.
I’m like, how did this come to be ? How much is that gonna cost? Uh, it’s gonna be about $2,000. Who had $2,000? Yes. Mr. Tochi had 2000, the closest . I’m EC Eccentric, you know, and I, he brought up Rat Race. And it’s funny because I, I love that movie and I love anything with John Cleese. There’s one line I always remember from that movie and it’s levitz when he is yelling, I don’t want to work at the Home Depot.
I [01:37:00] don’t want, my mind immediately goes there. Anytime somebody drinks up that movie. Look, Levitz is insane. Levitz is also like brilliant on film. He’s so good. Have you seen him on Holy moly. That’s all I’m gonna say. I haven’t, but we do own every season of the critic. Oh, nice. Well, since there’s only two, it’s not that hard.
the entire series. Oh, 26 episodes. . Yeah. Look babe, what are we doing tomorrow? I’m just saying I wanna watch the entirety of a franchise. Hey, she was scrolling through Voodoo and it said Bundle and save. She went, Ooh, , . Look, it was the vine of its time. Okay. . Yeah. So, uh, so he grabs Andy Potts, throw ’em over his shoulder or drags her out.
He literally drags her out kicking and screaming with her flippers on and yeah. Yeah, it’s fantastic. And they hop in the car and drive off. Woo. But the, uh, owner of the, the chop shop or whatever, he’s just getting into work, you know, an hour later he’s management. Don’t worry about it. And uh, he sees the guy like on death’s door or whatever.
So he hops in his, uh, was it a Camaro or [01:38:00] something? And starts Chas, I think it was a Firebird. Or Firebird. It was Firebird. That’s what it was. It was all black and it was awesome. It looked like. It looked like a Camaro with a GTO front end. It was kind of weird. Yeah. Okay. So it was like a weird little custom cuz I was trying to place him.
Couldn’t quite do it, but, but yeah, we like Camaro back end. Yeah. He catches up with him, I don’t know, a hundred miles outside of Vegas, you know, on the freeway there. He , pulls a gun out, and like starts firing at his own window. The window down, homie, his window was rolled down in a car with no air conditioning in the desert.
I’m like, what? He was fueled by venge. Yeah, they chase around and like Kenny like pulls off the road, like goes into a quarry because he thought that was like, oh yeah, it’s gonna hook up with the interstate. And then it’s like a dead end fuck. And then they end up on Route 6 66. Lou Diamond Phelps is waiting for him.
Oh. And the whole time, uh, Annie Pots is just like, oh, he trying to scam me, so I’ll get back with you. It’s not gonna work. They’re just trying to impress me and it’s not working. I’m like, the guy literally has fired like three rounds at you? Yeah. Oh. [01:39:00] And then she like jumps out the window and like banging.
Bang, bang, bing, bang guy. I get it. . So what I liked about this scene but then didn’t like about the scene was that it felt like a complete rip off of Sally Field and Burt Reynolds. In smoking the bandit. Oh, absolutely. You know, so I was like, I’m okay with it. I’m, I’m good with it. But then what got me, because continuity is always an issue with any movie, when we were watching it, even my wife pointed out, she goes, wait a minute, the car is filthy.
And then suddenly on those aerial shots it’s completely clean. Like they had gone back to the car wash in the previous scenes. That was the left hand drive car. Ah, that’s why more than, yeah, that makes it way more sense. And then it was suddenly dirty again. And I’m like, oh, okay. Whatever. Yeah. So he eventually, yeah, he like doubles back and eventually is like, haha, here’s the freeway.
I do it all along. Basically the freeway is like coming soon, I don’t know. Like it stops a mile later, turns around, they start playing chicken with the bad guy and mm-hmm , I dunno, bad guy pulls at the last minute and like rolls it and you know, they drive off into [01:40:00] forever. But the bad guy then like crawls out of the car.
Oh. He’s like injured. And when he pulled out the gun and like looked down the barrel, I’m like, right, no , no, this is not how this movie is going to end. I thought that would’ve been that bullet. But instead he like then takes the gun, points it at the car cuz it’s like the horn’s broken or whatever. So it’s just making that.
Boo fucking exploded. Horns run out of energy after like what? 30 seconds? Yeah. Well that has been no cars back then. If there’s a connection, it’ll blow until the batter, the horn keep blowing until the batter back. There’s okay, all that, that none of that is important. I gotta ask Dan a very important question cuz he’ll know the answer to this.
Dan, how many cars can you blow up with a 38 special? None without any, any sort of like tannerite or Pyrex or something. Ah, okay. I I, I just wanted to make sure , that was one of the things that when I saw that, I was like, that is such Hollywood Bs , but, and they use C4 instead of [01:41:00] plaster on one of the fenders and Oh, that’s how, oh my gosh.
There you go. This is why he’s gotta give up this whole operation over two cars instead of using fiberglass. They replaced it all with c4, smuggle it across the country. Yeah. Cuz you can’t smuggle fiberglass, uh, . No, you can’t smell. I think she, she’s saying they were smuggling c4. You replaced the fiberglass with c4.
That car is about to blow in, like outside of Zic. Very high turnover on mules. It’s more explosive than an accident. Than a Pento being rear handed . Exactly. But you guys guy gets it, guys, but you guys thought it was dark, you know, with him looking down the barrel of this 38 special, and I’m just kind of thinking to myself, there is a Tales from the Crypt episode where a guy gets left in the desert and the birds are circling around.
If you guys remember. Yes. That was so creepy. I had a similar thought here because this guy, as you mentioned, he’s injured. He’s got the stanky leg, he’s over a hundred miles from Silverado autobody shop, and now he just blew up his only form of transportation, even if it was a clunker. So he’s dying in the desert.
[01:42:00] Right. Well, but the freeway’s coming soon, so that means the construction crew is coming by. Bus will be by any minute, someone will show up. Look, Las Vegas only has two season, winter and construction , it’s not winter. Winter is very short. It’s called Corvette Winter. Those dudes in the low rider will catch him before he dies, you know what I mean?
On the way back, I’ll be there in a week. I saw it as the fact him shooting. It was the fact it was most likely also a stolen vehicle. So him shooting it was destroying evidence. Oh, that’s actually a really good point. And I did, I did look it up as the fact that it’s a 71 TransAm. Yeah, so fiber screaming chicken.
All right. Same by the way, that Corvette and those TransAm and Camaros all share a similar platform. So they’re all very similar cars. They’re all, they all have 200 horse. But I will say this, I will say this to to, you mentioned this earlier, Steve. The driving in that scene was actually really, really good.
Yeah, yeah. Usually I find fault with a lot of those driving scenes, some of those chase scenes. I mean, granted this didn’t have like the seven ups type of chase scene or like bullet or something like that, but it was short, it was concise and it was clean. [01:43:00] Like there wasn’t anything like Duke’s a hazard or anything that, so I, Matt props to, you know, the team and the stunt men for doing something that actually was pretty plausible.
The best car chase scene you’ve never heard of, you would even see with like the transition when they like go from like the sand to the asphalt and stuff. Like there’d be a little like ski, you know, and all that too. So it’s like, oh yeah, this is real driver. And the drifting was really clean. I was like, whoever’s behind the wheels doing a good job.
So, yeah. Well, when you mentioned when he looked down the barrel of the. Pistol. Shortly before that is when Mark Hamill’s character pulls up behind the big boulder and just by chance he comes to the other side and Annie Pott’s character hops up out and she’s like, oh yeah. And you know, she’s like, I’m not gonna be scared by this, cuz she thought it was just like something to scare her that Mark Hamel put on and the dude starts shooting at her.
So maybe that’s how he was checking to see if there was still any ammo in it. Which anyone who knows anything about farms, it’s a stupid way to check. But the exact opposite way you should be doing it. . Call that the Tiger King method. That’s, that’s, that’s the Alec Baldwin method. Oh, [01:44:00] dark, dark, dark.
Alright, speaking of dark, we’re going back to high school guys. Woo. Because yeah, Kenny pulls up there with his, uh, new hooker girlfriend and uh, right. Basically drops off this dusty ass stingray. There’s plenty of money for plenty of gas money, apparently. Well, you know, she, they had to make a few stops at a gas station and she had to make some money.
I mean, she was in the scuba gear already, so, so some truck stop and she was a lot lizard on the way back. Oh, check it out. This bikini wipes right off this nerine is amazing. and, and basically like, He pulls the fire alarm, the whole school comes out and the principal’s like, what’s going down here? Did beta Ucci is just running around in the background screaming.
Yeah. . I don’t think I saw it. He’s just like, ah, family. They said act natural of his A d D just kicked in. He’s like, took two lines of coke and yeah, . So they, was [01:45:00] it off of hooker’s ass? Like in Wolf of Wall Street? Oh, it, it wasn’t Annie Pots . Oh, Steve, that’s not dust on that car. Oh shit. . But yeah, basically like hands the keys to the principal.
Like, well, yeah. What about the cops? Like, yeah, I didn’t tell the cops. We should definitely inform the police. It’s like, no, no, don’t. It’s very important. You gotta car back. Right. You gotta, don’t worry about it young lady. Do you have anything to say about this? Now? Nah. He grabs her flip flops in her jeans and just walks off basically from there.
Like, uh, someone brings him his diploma. That’s where I’m like, oh, okay. So we graduated. All right. That’s cool. And then he like walks after Eleanor who’s carrying her flip flops and stuff, and he is like, uh, hey, you with a funny walk, , like a true romantic. Mm-hmm. . And, uh, yeah, they kiss and hug and, I don’t know, walk off.
And then, uh, the car wash during the credits, no wash and no car. That was a wet sanding . Well, and the weird thing is like when the teacher’s talking to him at one point he’s like, I need you to tell me what I need to hear. Or something, something along the lines of that. And [01:46:00] it’s like, what the hell do you want him to say?
You know, that was like, that part in Ferris Bueller is like, well, that’s how it is in that family . Super creepy. Like, it’s like, okay. Yeah. So guys, would you recommend this movie? Yeah. For enjoyment or as punishment? What do I get to pick either way? If it, it’s punishment, I mean, no, you know, in all honesty, I actually enjoyed it.
Like we laughed. We had a good. Time. My wife and I watched it together. We talked about it as well, and it was fun. It was stupid, it was campy. There were some redeeming things, like some of these movies you go into and you’re like, oh God, this is gonna hurt. It wasn’t bad. Would I watch it again? Maybe not. I don’t know who I would recommend it to.
So I don’t know how to answer, would I or not any rod spans? See, you wouldn’t because you wouldn’t just like call up your friend and be like, oh my God, have you seen Corvette Summer? No. Know that new movie you’re looking for? Well watch this. How about you, man? Man, I, I mean, I recommended it to Eric without even watching it.
So [01:47:00] I mean, . Yeah. Remember the Punisher part we were talking about? Yeah. . When I look at older movies, ladies, I take into consideration when it was made the way things were done. It’s a seventies, early eighties mentality movie, and one of the big things that I took away from it is like, much like the original gone in 60 seconds and older movies, there was that fraud aspect of insurance, which I always see these movies.
I’m wondering, was insurance fraud that big of a problem back then? Kept making movies about it, . Cause it’s an ongoing piece, all in all being a car. I enjoyed it for the cars in it, although the Corvette was horrible and Vanessa was definitely the star when it comes to the cars. Thousand percent. I agree.
Yeah. Other than the square body, suburban, because hey, it’s a square box, . Nice. Well, yeah, sounds like uh, yeah, I’d recommend it. How about you bud? I would, and as you guys said, van Vanessa is like the star of this movie, and I would almost count this as a VAP exploitation film, which is a genre. As we’ve mentioned a few examples, I highly recommend you guys look up the 1970s short-lived VAP flotation genre.
We talked about the van [01:48:00] and Super van in its sequels. There’s also CB Hustlers Love Truck, van Nuys Boulevard. Yeah. And yeah, there’s a whole bunch of. Specifically from like 1970 to like 1979. It’s just movies with vans. Like explain the genre for those. The genre is like young people on adventures in vans.
Yeah. It it’s like teenagers trying to get laid because they souped up their van and they go to a party and hijinks and zu or, or they go to a van festival or a van festival. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Scooby Doo meets American Pie. Okay, got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There, there, there’s the, was it Super Van? It’s like, oh yeah.
Teenager men, his scientist friend developed this ultimate AI van with like weapons, like it’s something outta James Bond. Takes it out on the weekend for a weekend of high. . Yeah, I, I did see on Wikipedia, it’s noted Van Nuys Boulevard is considered the most technically correct van film. So if you’re looking for the vehicles and the technical [01:49:00] correctness, like I look for accuracy when I watch movies like this,
I’m a stickler for the facts. I knew you guys would, uh, find that very important fact. Nice. Well, speaking of nerd things, we basically went through most of the fun facts I had except $9 million budget, 15.5 million worldwide growth. It’s the hits. And, uh, any guesses what the critics thought on Rotten Tomatoes?
What percentage of ’em thought it was a good movie? Is this with 2022 inflation, or are we talking about 1970s rating? I’m guessing since 2000, if it’s around tomatoes, , I don’t know what’s, what’s the number? It’s 56% with the critics. So just under fresh officially. Audience score though. 43%. That’s not bad.
This movie was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. I’m not gonna lie, any pots is fucking adorable. I mean, it’s genuinely funny. There’s some genuinely good driving. Yeah. So I got a question since we love Annie Potts in this movie, mark Hamel, whatever, [01:50:00] right? I think he brought the fame and notoriety.
Obviously he’s riding that Star Wars high there or, or the cocaine high. We’re not really sure which, but who would we replace Mark Hamel with if we were to recast this? Here’s the board. Really. No, no, no, no, no, no. Come on. Now here’s the thing. I don’t think Mark Hamel does a bad job at. A dopey sort of dumb teenager.
There’s nobody else though from that era that you could replace him with. Yeah, I don’t know. Kurt Russell , Matthew McConaughey, I’ll rat. I’ll wait. Is it Matthew McConaughey like six at this time? Yeah, I was gonna say, right? I have to get why you come in bed with me. Uh, RA I don’t know. But see, but see, he was 27 years old playing a 16, 17 year old.
So let’s see, I’m 18 since he graduated. He’s right. I graduated 17 since, are we gonna be mad about the ages? And if we are then are we gonna talk about like 9 0 2 1 oh or, or any of that? Well, no, no. I, what I’m saying I don’t have a problem that I’m saying. He looked a [01:51:00] lot younger than 27. So who in that.
Frame. I don’t think Kurt Russell probably looked 18. Yeah. Yeah. I guess he was. He was 27. Yeah. I guess the thing was like two years later, so Yeah. Good point. Yeah. God, seventies teenager. Ooh, leaf Garrett. No. I don’t know. Like, I’m trying to think. Teenagers I know in the seventies, Jodi Foster . Same Foster and Annie Pots, I’d watch it.
You know what? That’s the Vanessa sequel. Jackie. Earl Haley. My, I was thinking Tom Sellick for a minute, but then I’m like, oh, it’s just another episode of Magnum pi, so no. Oh yeah. No, because this character was too dumb. Right? There was multiple instances where he showed he was not the brightest crayon in the sharpest tool in the box.
Believe we cast Peter Faulk walking around with his Colombo Trench guy. . Oh, Peter Falk’s. Definitely the shop teacher. Oh yeah. Set a hundred percent guys. I got it. Kevin Bacon, not fresh off like Animal House. [01:52:00] Oh, yeah. Okay. I continue to go. You’re welcome. . Except for, here’s the problem, like any pots looks like an actual child.
Thanks to him, , I mean, yes. Don’t make it, don’t make it weird, Izzy. Don’t make it weird. Okay. I’m just saying this adds to the budget because we have to like, to shoot in perspective and, and Kevin Bacon’s s Edge.
If we, if we, I would Emma Stone, like in in the Andys, if we were gonna recast this, you just wanna see her as a hooker. I understand. Well, you know, hey, whatever. It’s all good. I mean, sure. She’s like in her late thirties. I get it. We just do the Stranger Things thing. It’s, uh, 11 and, uh, Finn Wolfhard or whatever of the two people.
Yeah. Billy Bobby Brown and Finn Wolfhard. You guys 18 yet? . . That’s awesome. But yeah, that’s, uh, that’s all we got guys. Uh, I don’t know any important lessons we learned from [01:53:00] this movie since that’s our, our podcast. Anything you learned from movie? I think I learned that I can probably keep up on foot with a C3 Corvette.
So, uh, you know, we’re gonna test this theory out, . So here’s, here’s a little one for cars in the movie. Cause I’m digging through, looking at some stuff. Eric, there was a 73 Stutz Black Hawk in it. No, really? Yeah, it’s, they’re on the strip. They’re on one of the. It’s white. Oh, nice. By the way, this is one of the funt seventies cars ever.
Like celebrities like Elvis had one and whatever. Dan wrote a whole article about it. We’ll share it with, with our audience. We’ll actually bring it back out from the grave. Do a little throwback, throwback Thursday. It’s a G body that had, if I recall correctly, Italian influence on the designing of it, but it was basically Monte Carlo chassis and it had the exhaust coming out, you know, running down the side of it.
Ooh. So Oh yeah. Oh shit. That looks like, um, that looks like the car. Yeah, the car. Yeah. A little stuff. It’s, it’s a Pi PIM mobile. Yeah. A little bit of cruel Deville in there as. Well, but yes. Oh yeah. Yeah. I can see it. It’s like the European cousin of the [01:54:00] car. Yeah. the way it looks like Styles. Yeah. The stylish English version.
Yeah. Have you folks seen the car? No. What is that? Oh, it’s a, it’s a killer car movie. It’s like, uh, people in the middle of the desert being chased by, uh, sentient car chasing him down. Yeah. I think it’s from like 77, 78, 77. I feel like maybe that’s a great, uh, they did a rethink of it too. Didn’t James?
James Brolin’s in it? Yeah. Yeah. Two bicyclists are run down by a strange black car in the desert near a small town in Utah, cuz it’s just the first in a series of hit and run murders. Sheriff Wade parents, James Brolin is called to investigate and his Deputy Everett John Marley is killed by the black sedan.
That’s right. That’s the movie with the, the music from The Shining. The Yes.
Yeah. They built this cool big custom car for it. The car is like often referred to as the brother of Christine. Oh, okay. I’ve seen that movie. Yeah. Okay. I’m looking up pictures of it right now. It’s definitely, it’s like a modified [01:55:00] Lincoln Continental or something. Definitely a menacing looking, uh, front end on it.
Right? It’s a fun, bad, cheesy horror movie. Have a couple of drinks and have some fun watching it. Well, Steven, Izzy, it’s a pleasure to get together with you guys as always, and it sounds like we might have some other films that maybe we can get together and review in the future. So it’s always good, you know, to get the petrol heads together with the movie Buff.
So I appreciate you guys inviting us back and, and doing this. It was, it was absolutely a lot of fun. So, for your listeners, for the folks that are listening to this, we are available on all your. Favorite pod catchers to use Steve’s term under Break Fix. Or you can also search Gran Touring and you can find us on the web@gtmotorsports.org or on social media at Gran Touring Motorsports.
That’s g r a n with no D touring motorsports. So yeah, thanks for having us guys. Been fantastic. And uh, babe, are you in social media at all? I am. You can find me everywhere at Untidy Venus, that’s a goddess who’s bad at housekeeping. I’m an artist. I sell my arts and goods and wears [01:56:00] over@untidyvenus.etsy.com.
You can see works in progress. Pictures of my pets shots from our mountain, over on my Instagram and on my Facebook, and occasionally on my Twitter at untidy Venus. I also have a Patreon where I’m putting together some little like really easy how-to videos to get started on your own basic art. I have a sticker of the month club.
All kinds of fun stuff at Untidy Venus on Patreon. How about you Steve? Where can we find you? Excuse me. As Eric said, you can find us on all your favorite pod catchers under everything I learned from movies or you can hit us up on Twitter, Facebook or Patreon it. E I L F movies. That’s everything I learned from movies but not Instagram cuz fuck those guys.
Somebody hacked in my account, they’re not helping us get it back. So apparently a Utah ID is not a valid ID in the eyes of Instagram. So they don’t know who owns it. So be careful in that Metaverse people. Yeah, go ahead and block and report that account cuz they’ll just ask you for $120. Yeah and hit us up on Twitter cause that’s the one I really checked cuz that’s the one that works at E I L F movies,[01:57:00]
So yeah, I guess until next time, I’m Steve. And I’m Izzy. And where? Break fix. Yeah. Yeah. And this is everything I learned from movie. No, wait, it’s not. It’s everything I learned from breakfast. Breakfast, everyth. Throw it in . It’s our new jingle. . Yeah, I do the auto tune. Everything I learned from break Fix,
It’s Break, break fix fridge.
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We’d love to hear from you. [01:58:00] Hey everybody, crew Chief Eric here. We really hope you enjoyed this episode of Break Fix, and we wanted to remind you that GTM remains a no annual fees organization, and our goal is to continue to bring you quality episodes like this one at no charge. As a loyal listener, please consider subscribing to our Patreon for bonus and behind the scenes content, extra goodies and GTM swag.
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The “Hot Rod” 1973 C3 Corvette
Ken loves to design and build exotic cars. When the High School shop class project car, a fully tricked out dream Corvette, is stolen, he begins searching for it. His search leads him to Las Vegas, where Vanessa, a teenaged prostitute wannabe, helps him try to track it down.
OMG! It’s a Datsun!
Annie (Eleanor) & Mark (Kenny)
As beloved as both Annie Potts and Mark Hamill are for long and successful careers, unfortunately in this movie their on-screen chemistry is contrived and unbelievable.
The stars of this film are definitely Annie Potts & “Van-essa”
- “What about the Toronado?”
- “If you’re gonna hitchhike you gotta stick something out”
- “I’m a hooker for Christ sake!”
- “I’m a trainee… time comes when every amateur goes pro”
- The “15 or 50” bit.
- “Most of these are >real< diamonds” – Vegas Con Man
- “$2 Bill”
- “Girl who can’t hold her liquor with her trick… where does she end up? Asleep with her Trick”
Attempted car jacking!
Probably one the most comical chase scenes we’ve seen in a while. This attempted car jacking by Kenny (Mark Hamill) of the freshly repainted ‘vette is rather hilarious.
Fun, Fun facts – in fact… they are Super Fun Facts!
- Both of this film’s leads, Annie Potts and Mark Hamill, were in car accidents prior to principal photography. Potts got pins in her legs whilst Hamill got a broken nose. Mark Hamill was badly injured in an automobile wreck in Malibu, California just prior to production. He bears the scars through Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
- The Corvette car was a 1973 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray converted to right hand drive so that Mark Hamill could hang out of the curbside window looking at the ladies. The car was also painted candy apple / cherry, given superior mags, a clam-shell hood, Gabriel shocks, Merry tubes, a metal flake, side-pipes, and flames painted on the body. The mold for this film’s centerpiece 1973 Corvette car is part of the collection of America’s National Corvette Museum and displayed at the Corvette Americana Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. The museum also screens this movie regularly.
- Wayne’s chain-wielding employee (Jason Ronard) is shown reading a comic book while Kenny is locked up in the storeroom. The comic is actually the first issue of Marvel’s STAR WARS adaptation
- A cameo with Fran Drescher was deleted. Drescher can be seen with Mark Hamill in stills from the movie.
- Ed tells Kenny he makes a “lousy” $15,000 a year. That amount equates to $62,400 in 2020 – not very lousy. Kenny gets a job paying $850 per week – which equates to $3,535 per week or $184k/yr).
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