
B/F: The Drive Thru #45

Well... it's unfortunate.

Episode #45 of the Drive Thru! Break/Fix podcast’s monthly news episode containing automotive, motorsports and random car-adjacent news. This month we continue Drive Thru #44s “Highway Bingo!” when you we go Road Trippin‘ with special guest co-host William “Big Money” Ross from the Exotic Car Marketplace!

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Showcase: Let’s go Road Trippin’!

Would You Cross Country in a Cybertruck?

Tesla Cybertruck: Pedal Confusion, And Now Gear Shifter Drama ... [READ MORE]

These Vehicles Are Dead for 2024

Farewell Audi R8, Dodge Challenger, Mazda CX-9, and Nissan Maxima. ... [READ MORE]

Toyota will challenge the Miata directly with its S-FR sports car

 ... [READ MORE]

Nissan Tells Dealers to Sell Cars at a Loss

Dealers can discount 2024 models by up to 10 percent below invoice.  ... [READ MORE]

AC Propulsion tZero on display at CalTech Event!

 ... [READ MORE]

Le Mans Ultimate: Time Trials!

Which LMP1 / HY / GTP it actually quickest around the Circuit de la Sarte? ... [READ MORE]

Is Buc-ees coming as far North as Michigan?

 ... [READ MORE]

Don't get lost in the dark in your road trip!

Drop in hassle free, no ballast needed, replacement LED headlight bulbs for your favorite classic! Save 15% with promo code: MOTORINGHISTORIAN - See the difference for yourself! ... [READ MORE]

**All photos come from the original article; click on the image to be taken to the original article. GTM makes no claims to this material and is not responsible for any claims made by the original authors or their sponsoring organizations. All rights to original content remain with authors/publishers.

Guest Co-Host: William Ross

In case you missed it... be sure to check out the Break/Fix episode with our co-host.
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The Exotic Car Marketplace founded by William Ross provides private client services to the discreet Ferrari and Porsche buyer and seller.  We provide our clients with the discretion that they desire.  With our experience and access to the most desired vehicles in the marketplace we can source that specific vehicle you require or sell your vehicle to one of our existing clients that is looking for that specific model.

Automotive, EV & Car-Adjacent News

For a list of all the articles and events referenced on this episode check out the show notes below.


EVs & Concepts

Japanese & JDM

Lost & Found

Lowered Expectations



VAG & Porsche




VOTE NOW – VOTE OFTEN for all your (un)favorites!

Now is your chance to rate some of the best of the worst from our Drive Thru NewsParking Lot Gold and What Should I Buy? series. Vote early and often!

Would you like fries with that?

There's more to this story!

Be sure to check out the behind the scenes for this episode, filled with extras, bloopers, and other great moments not found in the final version. Become a Break/Fix VIP today by joining our Patreon.

All of our BEHIND THE SCENES (BTS) Break/Fix episodes are raw and unedited, and expressly shared with the permission and consent of our guests.

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Tania M
Tania M
Our roving reporter & world traveler. Tania’s material is usually brought to us from far off places and we can’t wait to see what field trip she goes on next! #drivethrunews

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