
B/F: The Drive Thru #49

This is Episode #49 of the Drive Thru! Break/Fix podcast’s monthly news episode containing automotive, motorsports and random car-adjacent news. In our second to last official Drive Thru of the season we get together and share some personal stories tying in some relevant industry news that’s happened over the last month. Tune in for warnings, tickets and citations on this action packed News episode. Join us next month for our 50th DT News on MPN!

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Showcase: Book’em Danno!

Cobb Tuning’s $2.9M Fine Fires Another Warning Shot At Emissions Cheats

All future tuner devices and tunes must be proven not to increase emissions above allowable levels  ... [READ MORE]

These Are The States Where It Is Most Expensive To Own A Car

Every single Californian is a tech billionaire, right?  ... [READ MORE]

The US finally takes aim at truck bloat

A new rule has been proposed that could rein in excessively large trucks and SUVs. ... [READ MORE]

Don't forget - Study Links Preference For Loud Cars to Some Unsurprising Personality Traits

 ... [READ MORE]

Living with a Hybrid - UPDATE!

We need one of those "it's been X days since incident" signs ... [READ MORE]

Quicker EVs might lead to more accidents

 ... [READ MORE]

Stellantis Boss: The Auto Industry Is in 'Survival Mode'

Carlos Tavares says Stellantis needs to reach cost parity between gas and electric cars to stay alive.  ... [READ MORE]

McLaren’s Zak Brown honored with IMRRC Cameron Argetsinger Award

 ... [READ MORE]

County’s proposed vehicle ‘noise cameras’ bill draws support during hearing

Legislation would enforce modified muffler prohibition  ... [READ MORE]

**All photos come from the original article; click on the image to be taken to the original article. GTM makes no claims to this material and is not responsible for any claims made by the original authors or their sponsoring organizations. All rights to original content remain with authors/publishers.

Automotive, EV & Car-Adjacent News

For a list of all the articles and events referenced on this episode check out the show notes below.


EVs & Concepts

Formula One

Japanese & JDM

Lost & Found

Lower Saxony

Lowered Expectations



Rich People Thangs!



VAG & Porsche



The Infamous Traffic </rant>

We always have a blast chatting with our guests about all sorts of different topics, but sometimes we go off the rails and dig deeper into their automotive and motorsports pasts. As a bonus, let’s go behind the scenes with this pit stop mini sode for some extra content that didn’t quite fit in the main episode.

In this special Drive Thru inspired Pit Stop Minisode … Brad, Tania and Eric <rant> about crazy city drivers and their experiences on the roads in this “post-covid” world.

Tune in everywhere you stream, download or listen!
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Sit back, enjoy, and remember to like, subscribe, and support Brake/Fix on Patreon for early access to this content.

Would you like fries with that?

There's more to this story!

Be sure to check out the behind the scenes for this episode, filled with extras, bloopers, and other great moments not found in the final version. Become a Break/Fix VIP today by joining our Patreon.

All of our BEHIND THE SCENES (BTS) Break/Fix episodes are raw and unedited, and expressly shared with the permission and consent of our guests.


Now is your chance to rate some of the best of the worst from our Drive Thru NewsParking Lot Gold and What Should I Buy? series. Vote early and often!

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Tania M
Tania M
Our roving reporter & world traveler. Tania’s material is usually brought to us from far off places and we can’t wait to see what field trip she goes on next! #drivethrunews

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