
Two Girls 1 Formula

They started a safe space for F1 fans who felt marginalized in male dominated spaces to connect, make friends, and discuss races, drivers, team drama, future goals and aspirations, and everything in between. Their specialty is connecting Formula 1 to pop culture and exploring the lighter, more fun side to the world’s most elite motorsport. 

Kate & Nicole of Two Girls 1 Formula podcast fly their fangirl flag loud and proud, and are never ashamed to get the label. They understand that you can respect the technical side of the sport and think the drivers are cute, and they’re joining us tonight for a special Break/Fix Crossover episode! 


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  • Let’s address the 900# cup in the room – Tell us how you became F1 Fans?
  • Why start an F1 podcast if you weren’t into racing? Was Drive to Survive an influence?  DTS – convince Eric!
  • Who is the GOAT (OR GOATIFI)?
  • Has F1 changed your appreciation for the car hobby?
  • As we’re closing out the 2022 season – thoughts on the year at large? Best moments / Worst moments
  • Outside of DTS what can Motorsport do to make it more inviting for Women?
  • Now that the “W-series” has been suspended, what are your thoughts on that? When are we going to see a female F1 driver? And who’s your #1 candidate?

and much, much more!



The TG1F community is inclusive, welcoming, and accepting of all types of fans. It doesn’t matter if you started watching yesterday or 20 years ago, they are here for you to find people to connect with in a meaningful way.

There's more to this story!

Be sure to check out the behind the scenes for this episode, filled with extras, bloopers, and other great moments not found in the final version. Become a Break/Fix VIP today by joining our Patreon.

All of our BEHIND THE SCENES (BTS) Break/Fix episodes are raw and unedited, and expressly shared with the permission and consent of our guests.

To learn more about Nicole & Kate and keep up with all things Formula 1 with their unique perspective on this great discipline of Motorsports, be sure to tune into their show TWO GIRLS 1 FORMULA, on all your favorite podcatchers and music apps. You can also find them on social @twogirls1formula on IG and tiktok or visit their website www.twogirls1formula.comgo for the F1 and stay for the friendship!

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Tania M
Tania M
Our roving reporter & world traveler. Tania’s material is usually brought to us from far off places and we can’t wait to see what field trip she goes on next! #drivethrunews

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