
The Evolution of Women-Only Racing

From Powder Puff to W Series: The Evolution of Women-Only Racing; Cover photo generated using Microsoft Co-Pilot based on the content from this article.

Throughout its storied history, motorsports has been unwelcoming
to women. Consequently, it has been necessary for female racers to develop unique strategies to enter what has long existed as an exclusive masculine enclave. While entry can be facilitated through a familial relationship with a male driver, women without such connections often get their start through participation in women-only racing events.

Although these races have provided women with the opportunity to enter the track, they have not been without controversy. Detractors argue that women will not be considered legitimate racers unless they compete on the same track as men. Proponents view women-only racing not only as a way to attract more women into the sport, but also as an important source of skill development, support, and community building.

This presenation investigates the evolution of women-only racing, from its early introduction as a media stunt, to its current incarnation as a proving ground for serious female open-wheel racers. Informed by archival resources and motorsport scholarship, it considers howwomen-only racing complicates, facilitates, and liberates women’s entry, participation, and recognition in the masculine world of motorsports.

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Bio: Chris Lezotte

A Motor City native, Chris Lezotte spent part of her past life writing car commercials. After exiting her advertising career, she pursued a master’s in Women’s and Gender Studies at Eastern Michigan University and was awarded a PhD in American Culture Studies from Bowling Green State University. Now working as an independent scholar, Chris continues her research focused on the relationship between women and cars in a variety of contexts, including women’s participation in traditionally masculine car cultures as well as representations of women and cars in popular culture. Her work has been included in popular culture, women’s studies, transportation history, media studies, masculinity studies, and automotive history journals. Chris’s first book, Power Under Her Foot: Women Enthusiasts of American Muscle Cars, was published in 2018.





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This episode is sponsored in part by: The International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), The Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), The Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Argetsinger Family – and was recorded in front of a live studio audience.

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The International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), partnering with the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), presents the annual Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium on International Motor Racing History. The Symposium established itself as a unique and respected scholarly forum and has gained a growing audience of students and enthusiasts. It provides an opportunity for scholars, researchers and writers to present their work related to the history of automotive competition and the cultural impact of motor racing. Papers are presented by faculty members, graduate students and independent researchers.The history of international automotive competition falls within several realms, all of which are welcomed as topics for presentations, including, but not limited to: sports history, cultural studies, public history, political history, the history of technology, sports geography and gender studies, as well as archival studies.

The symposium is named in honor of Michael R. Argetsinger (1944-2015), an award-winning motorsports author and longtime member of the Center's Governing Council. Michael's work on motorsports includes:
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  • Mark Donohue: Technical Excellence at Speed (2009)
  • Formula One at Watkins Glen: 20 Years of the United States Grand Prix, 1961-1980 (2011)
  • An American Racer: Bobby Marshman and the Indianapolis 500 (2019)

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